The child’s natural or adoptive parents must be deceased or disabled in the month in which:
The number holder (NH) (grandparent) became entitled to a Retirement Insurance Benefit
(RIB), Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) or died, or
The NH’s period of disability began (when benefits are not payable), if that period
continued until entitlement to RIB, DIB, or death
EXAMPLE: The NH became entitled to RIB in 3/07. At that time, the grandchild’s mother was
deceased but the father was living and not disabled. In 9/08, the father became disabled.
The grandchild cannot be entitled on the grandparent’s record since both parents were
not deceased or disabled in 3/07.
The grandparent dies in 2/09. The death of the grandparent creates a new time-frame
to consider. Survivor benefits may now be payable since both parents are deceased
or disabled in 2/09.