The FO is responsible for completing items 1-14 on the SSA-831 for cases forwarded
to DDS, PSC, or DQB.
The DDS, PSC or DQB is responsible for completing items 15-36 on the SSA-831 (Disability
Determination and Transmittal) to record the disability determination.
For details on completion of SSA-831, see the DDS, PSC, and FO exhibit in DI 26510.001, Completing Form SSA-831 (Disability Determination and Transmittal), DI 11010.205, Completing the SSA-831, Items 1 through 14 and DI 11055.130, Field Office (FO) Completion of the SSA-831 for a Modernized Supplemental Security
Income Claims System (MSSICS) Limitation or Exclusion Case.