Use MCS/MSSICS, whenever possible, to release the appropriate notice. In situations
where the system cannot generate the appropriate notice (e.g., a personalized SGA
denial notice), use DPS .
For examples of manual Title II reconsideration notices for non-MCS Title II cases,
NL 00701.390 – Form SSA-L917 - Reconsideration - DIB Earnings Requirement Not Met, or
NL 00705.110 – Model Letter “G” - Request For Reconsideration Filed On Denied Application Involving
Issues Identical To Previously Denied Application - Same Law Applies.
For non-MSSICS Title XVI cases, use DPS to prepare an SSA-L8455-U2 (SSI Notice of Reconsideration). After explaining the
basis for the reconsideration denial, include a brief statement that, because of the
non-medical denial, no further action will be taken on the medical aspects of the