When a claimant's whereabouts become unknown and special handling applies, the DDS
must make a reasonable effort to involve the designated third party contact(s) from
the current level of adjudication, following the instructions in DI 23007.010C.
When the claimant designates two individuals who we can contact if the claimant becomes
unavailable and the first contact person is not productive, the DDS must make a reasonable
effort to involve the other contact person.
When the claimant elected not to designate a third party contact, DDS must take at
least one of the actions listed in DI 23005.001C.3. in this section.
The designated third party contact(s) is documented in Section 2 – ‟Contacts” of the
Forms SSA-3368-BK and SSA-3441-BK, or a contact person might be documented in the
‟Remarks” section of these forms. Document all efforts to involve the third party,
following DI 23005.001C.4 in the section.