Section 1619 of the Social Security Act provides that we will not automatically cease
title XVI beneficiaries with a disability for performance of substantial gainful activity
(SGA). Generally, SGA determinations are required on initial claims. However, if a
claimant qualifies for title XVI benefits as of the filing date, and begins performing
SGA two or more months after being found disabled, the claimant may still qualify
for title XVI benefits. If the claimant began performing SGA two or more months after
the date of filing, but was found disabled as of, or prior to, the date of filing,
we evaluate disability prior to the date of filing to determine if the claimant is
protected by section 1619 work incentive provisions, as described in SI 02302.010B, 1619 Policy Principles, and SI 02302.030, Section 1619 Process and Procedures.