Contact RRB to find out if the claimant filed a claim for a disability annuity with
RRB. If so, ask for copies of any medical or vocational evidence, medical consultant
assessment, and disability determination, if available.
NOTE: If RRB has medical evidence from a current or recent claim, wait to review the RRB
evidence before initiating additional medical development in DPB. Do not delay the
development of medical evidence from the claimant’s current medical sources if it
appears the RRB evidence is more than one year old or unrelated to the current alleged
impairment(s) per DI 44001.120B in this section.
Phone or e-mail the RRB examiner who has jurisdiction of the claim. (RRB divides its
casework into initial claims and post-entitlement cases, and periodically sends DPB
a list of RRB supervisors and examiner names and phone numbers organized by terminal