TN 5 (07-24)

DI 55025.001 Determining Ticket Status

A. General Information about ticket status

For a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiary, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient, or concurrent beneficiary who is eligible to participate in the Ticket to Work program, the decision to use a ticket is voluntary. We cannot initiate a medical continuing disability review (CDR) during any period a Ticketholder “uses” a ticket (as defined in the regulations). This protects Ticketholders who participate in the Ticket to Work program from the participant return to work efforts disrupted based on a medical cessation determination resulting from a scheduled medical CDR. For information on processing medical CDRs for Ticketholders with tickets, see DI 55025.010.

We ensure the integrity of the disability programs by requiring that Ticketholders make progress when using the ticket in order to maintain medical CDR protection. Therefore, once the Ticketholder has assigned their ticket, they must make progress toward their vocational goals according to certain requirements. For the timely progress review requirements, see DI 55025.025C.

NOTE: A contractor performs the role of the Ticket Program Manager (TPM) for the Ticket to Work program. For more information about the role and responsibilities of the TPM, see DI 55005.001.

B. Definitions for ticket status terms

1. Assignable ticket

A ticket is assignable to an employment network (EN) or State vocational rehabilitation (VR) agency acting as an EN if a Ticketholder:

  • is age 18 through 64,

  • is in current payment status, and

  • is not subject to one of the exclusions listed in DI 55002.005C.

To assign a ticket, the EN or State VR agency acting as an EN and the Ticketholder must complete and sign an employment plan to achieve a work goal. For more information on employment plans, see DI 55020.001. Once the Ticketholder assigns the ticket, the ticket’s status is “In Use” on the disability control file (DCF).

NOTE: Although a beneficiary/recipient cannot assign a ticket at age 65 or later, if assigned the ticket prior to attaining age 65, the ticket remains active until full retirement age when the ticket terminates. For information on who is eligible for a ticket, see DI 55002.005B.

2. Ticket “In Use” statuses

a. In Use

The “In Use” status means the Ticketholder assigned ticket to an EN or State VR agency serving as an EN to receive employment support services. The EN and Ticketholder must complete and sign an individual work plan (IWP).

b. In Use SVR

The “In Use SVR” status means a Ticketholder has a ticket that is assignable and is receiving VR services from a State VR agency under the VR cost reimbursement option. The “In Use SVR” status begins on the effective date of the individualized plan for employment (IPE). For information on employment plans, see DI 55020.001.

If the Ticketholder signs the IPE when the ticket is not assignable, the “In Use SVR” effective date is the first day the ticket is assignable after the Ticketholder signs the IPE and is receiving VR services.

3. Using a ticket

“Using a ticket” refers to a specified period of time when the Ticketholder receives employment-related services from an EN or State VR agency and makes the progress toward self-sufficiency that is required under the regulations. The period of using a ticket begins on the effective date of the assignment of the ticket to an EN or State VR agency acting as an EN, or the date a beneficiary with a ticket begins receiving services from the State VR agency under the cost reimbursement option.

4. Initiation date on medical continuing disability review (CDR)

The CDR initiation date is the date on the notice sent to the Ticketholder that informs that SSA is beginning to review the disability case. The FO inputs the CDR initiation notice date to DCF on the CDR FO Input Screen (IFOA) following MSOM CDR 001.007.

If you do not have the notice, you can query the following DCF screens to identify the CDR initiation notice date.

  • IFOA screen shows the notice date in the DIRECT RELEASE NOTICE INIT field.

  • General Ticket Query (TKQY) shows the notice date in the CDR INITIATION DATE field.

  • CDR Query Screen (QCDR) shows the notice date as the DIRECT RELEASE initiation DATE field.

5. Extension period; 90-day period following case closure

If a Ticketholder's ticket status is "In Use" or "In Use SVR" and the ticket becomes unassigned, the Ticketholder is entitled to a period of 90 days during which may reassign the ticket. During this period, called the extension period, the ticket is considered to be in use, the ticket status is "Not Assigned In Use - Extended," and the ticket continues to protect the Ticketholder from a medical CDR. A Ticketholder may reassign a ticket during this period even if disability-related cash benefits cease because of work and earnings.

6. Ticket unassignment or ending “In Use SVR” status

If a Ticketholder, an EN, or a State VR agency acting as an EN decides not to continue with the ticket assignment, the party dissolving the relationship must make a request in writing to the TPM to unassign the ticket.

If a Ticketholder decides to discontinue working with a State VR agency that chose the cost reimbursement option, the Ticketholder must notify the State VR agency that they will no longer participate. The State VR agency will notify the TPM once the case closes.

7. Ticket reassignment

A Ticketholder may reassign a previously assigned ticket or place it in the “In Use SVR” ticket status if meets the ticket-eligibility criteria in DI 55002.005B and DI 55002.005C. The reassignment is effective on the first day the Ticketholder meets these requirements.

NOTE: During the extension period or the 90-day period immediately following the case closure by the State VR agency, a Ticketholder can reassign the ticket whether or not meets the eligibility criteria described in DI 55002.005B and DI 55002.005C.

8. Inactive status

A Ticketholder must make a written request to the TPM to place the ticket in inactive status. A Ticketholder may call TPM at 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY) or email TPM at When the ticket is in inactive status, the ticket remains assigned but the Ticketholder is not exempt from medical CDRs.

A Ticketholder may reactivate the ticket by making a written request to the TPM. If the Ticketholder had been working with an EN or a State VR agency acting as an EN, the ticket may be reactivated only if the ticket remained assigned. If the Ticketholder had been working with a State VR agency under the cost reimbursement option, the ticket may be reactivated only if the ticket is available for assignment and the Ticketholder is receiving services from the State VR agency.

9. Failed timely progress review (FTPR)

When a Ticketholder does not meet the work or educational requirements for a timely progress review, the DCF will show the ticket status as "Assigned-Not In Use-FTPR," and the Ticketholder will be subject to scheduled medical CDRs. There is no 90 day extension period for FTPR. The Ticketholder must meet the criteria set for the timely progress review before returning to “In Use” status.

C. Initiating a medical CDR for a ticket holder

To determine if we can initiate a medical CDR for a Ticketholder, review the “General Ticket Query” (TKQY) screen in the DCF to determine the ticket status of a Ticketholder. This query will show information about the Ticketholder's ticket status. For information on the general ticket query, see MSOM CDR 004.003.

The following chart shows the ticket status terms on the general ticket query and the relationship of the ticket status to the policy on medical CDRs for Ticketholders.

Ticket Status

Initiate Medical CDR?

POMS section



DI 55025.001C Note



DI 55025.001C Note

Assigned In Use


DI 55025.001B.2

Assigned Not In Use – Inactive


DI 55025.001B.8

Assigned Not In Use – FTPR


DI 55025.001B.9

In Use SVR


DI 55025.001B.2

Not In Use SVR – Inactive


DI 55025.001B.8

Not In Use SVR– FTPR


DI 55025.001B.9

Not Assigned In Use – Extended


DI 55025.001B.5

Not Assigned Not In Use



Not Assigned Not In Use - FTPR


DI 55025.001B.9.





D. When CDR protection and program participation end as a result of ticket termination

A Ticketholder is no longer protected from scheduled medical CDRs and is no longer eligible to participate in the Ticket to Work program if the ticket terminates. For information on ticket termination, see DI 55002.055.

E. When CDR protection ends but program participation may continue

A Ticketholder is no longer protected from scheduled medical CDRs if fails to reassign the ticket or otherwise place the ticket with a State VR agency by the end of the 90-day extension period following ticket unassignment or case closure, see DI 55025.001B.5. In that situation, the ticket is no longer considered to be “in use,” but the ticket has not terminated.

A Ticketholder’s protection from scheduled medical CDRs will also end if the TPM:

  • places the ticket in inactive status based on the Ticketholder’s request, and the ticket status changes to “Assigned Not In Use – Inactive,” or “Not In Use SVR – Inactive”; or

  • determines the Ticketholder did not meet the timely progress requirements, and the ticket status changes to “Assigned Not In Use – FTPR” or “Not In-Use SVR– FTPR.”

However, if a Ticketholder’s ticket is still assigned to an EN or State VR agency or otherwise placed with a State VR agency, Ticketholder may continue to receive VR and employment support services from the EN or State VR agency even though the ticket is not considered to be “in use” and the Ticketholder is not protected from scheduled medical CDRs.

If we make a medical cessation determination on a Ticketholder no longer exempt from medical CDRs, but the ticket is still assigned or placed with a State VR agency or EN, the Ticketholder may be eligible for benefit continuation according to section 301 of the Social Security Disability Amendments of 1980, based on participation in a VR or similar program. (See sections 225(b) and 1631(a)(6) of the Social Security Act). For the policy for section 301 payments to individuals participating in a VR or similar program see DI 14505.010.

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