TN 9 (07-24)

DI 60099.025 Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) Contractors and Job Titles


BOND Project is over

The BOND processing office L5R is no longer operating, access to the data required to make determinations is no longer available. All BOND decisions are final as beneficiaries are officially outside of their appeal period. Any reconsiderations should be considered automatic denials.

In order to minimize the impact the BOND project has on Agency resources, SSA contracted with Abt Associates to design and implement the BOND project. Abt contracted and hired staff to assist with the BOND project. This section describes the roles Abt personnel play in the BOND Project.

A. Abt call center staff

Convergys Government Solutions, LLC, staffs the Abt call center, located in Denver, Colorado, to handle BOND calls. The call center:

  • responds to inquiries from BOND participants and the public;

  • responds to e-mails sent to the BOND e-mail address, located on the public website;

  • makes referrals to Work Incentive Counselors/Enhanced Work Incentive Counselors (WIC/EWIC) staff or BOND central operations staff; and

  • makes stage 1 and stage 2 outreach calls.

B. Work incentive counselor (WIC)

BOND WICs provide counseling services for:

  • BOND participants assigned to the stage 1 group (80,000 individuals) and one of the stage 2 groups (4800 individuals) that are eligible to receive the $1 for $2 offset. These services are similar to the services that beneficiaries currently receive from Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) agencies. A WIC’s primary focus is on individualized benefits analysis and advice. WICs provide: An explanation of how the $1 for $2 offset works for the beneficiary;

  • Group outreach using Work Incentive Seminar Events (WISE) presentations to groups of beneficiaries and presentations to staff members of referring agencies;

  • Brief counseling for most beneficiaries who are either not interested in employment or are just beginning to consider employment;

  • Information to beneficiaries to connect them with employment services and support services provided by community partner agencies;

  • Explanation of SSA disability benefits and work incentives with respect to BOND;

  • Counseling on healthcare coverage options;

  • Contact information for other Federal, State and local benefit programs; and

  • More in depth counseling for beneficiaries who are:

    • Currently employed,

    • Actively seeking employment, or

    • Preparing for employment;

C. Enhanced work incentive counselor (EWIC)

Abt has contracts with local agencies that specialize in helping beneficiaries find employment, and provides EWIC services under BOND for the other stage 2 treatment group (3000 individuals) eligible to receive the $1 for $2 offset. An EWIC provides beneficiaries with targeted and extensive counseling. In addition to group outreach, an EWIC initiates contact with each treatment group member eligible for counseling.

The objective of EWIC counseling is to provide a long, intensive, advising relationship. An EWIC focuses on helping the BOND participant with:

  • which employment path is best;

  • job retention;

  • what steps to take; and

  • how to take those steps.

An EWIC also addresses additional financial issues (including tax consequences) and SSA employment supports.

NOTE: Do not confuse BOND WIC and EWIC positions with SSA’s AWIC and CWIC positions.

D. BOND central operations staff

BOND central operations staff primarily supports BOND field operations staff through training, technical assistance, monitoring, and document and mail management. They are also available to provide information to beneficiaries requiring assistance on certain post-entitlement issues and notices.

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DI 60099.025 - Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) Contractors and Job Titles - 07/03/2024
Batch run: 07/03/2024