Are performed when one component contacts another for assistance while still retaining
full jurisdiction of the case; and
May be sent or received from any office processing CEFs.
EXCEPTION: FOs can receive, but cannot initiate ARs.
NOTE: Many DDS case processing systems do not have full electronic AR functionality. These
DDSs cannot accept or reject jurisdiction, cancel, close, transfer, or follow-up using
the AR Electronic Folder Interface (EFI) transactions. However, these DDSs can still
request and respond to electronic ARs.
DDSs with the Modernized Integrated Disability Adjudication System (MIDAS) software
(CA, DE, AK, and MO) are able to perform all AR functions. To determine which other
DDSs have full AR functionality, contact your Regional Office (RO) or local support
The EDCS Actions Page lists ARs from DDS, OQR, or OHO. The FO user can:
Request a list of all ARs for the office; or
Refine the search by unit code and date.
1. AR Status on the EDCS Actions Page
The status of an AR appears on the EDCS Actions Page as:
“Transaction in progress” – Indicates that the AR has been accepted by the FO and the action is sent to the Electronic
Folder Interface (EFI);
NOTE: As all DDS legacy systems do not have the latest software to support ARs, requests
that have been accepted cannot be closed out or transferred to another office. The
ARs show up as “Transaction in Progress”. Central Office is aware of this problem
and is working on a resolution. Regional Offices will alert FOs as to when this problem
will be resolved.
“Not yet accepted” – Indicates that the AR has not been “accepted” or “transferred” by the FO user;
“Pending” – Indicates that the transaction has been processed through EFI and the FO can take
any action necessary to complete the AR.
NOTE: If the FO transfers the AR to another office/component, the AR will no longer appear
on the actions page.
NOTE: If the DDS requesting assistance does not have the full AR functionality, the FO
must add a message to eView when:
Rejecting the AR back to the DDS;
Transferring the AR to another office; or
To process the AR, the FO must do one of the following:
Accept the AR – The FO then has the ability to work the request and then close it;
Reject the AR – The requesting office is notified that the FO has rejected the request and is given
the reason why it was rejected;
Transfer the AR – If the AR was misrouted or if jurisdiction of a claim moved to another area, transfer
the AR to the appropriate FO. Transferring the AR moves it to the new office’s actions
page and removes it from the original actions page. The requesting office is alerted
of the transfer; or
Close the AR – The FO closes the AR once all necessary actions have been taken and/or all documentation
has been added to the CEF. The FO can select:
To close the request (with comments); or
“Could not complete request” which requires entry of the reason why the AR could not
be completed.
NOTE: When the AR is closed, the initiating office receives notification that the AR is
3. Requesting Office Cancels the AR
The office requesting the AR may cancel the request either before or after the AR
has been accepted. When the AR is cancelled:
All previous transactions displayed for that request are removed from the Assistance
Request History section in eView; and
An AI appears on the EDCS Actions Page notifying the FO the AR was cancelled.