Deleting a case from EDCS removes all data collected in EDCS for that case. However,
it does not delete the claim from the Modernized Claims System (MCS) or the Modernized Supplemental
Security Income Claims System (MSSICS). For more information on deleting a claim in
MCS, see MSOM MCS 017.002 Claimant Deletion (CLDL) and for more information on deleting
a claim in MSSICS, see MSOM MSSICS 004.011 Manual Processes (MNPS).
NOTE: If you create another EDCS case Internet Disability Report (IDR) data propagates
into EDCS, unless you purged the IDR (7 months from the first IDR start date for the
i3368 and 90 days for the i3820 and i3441).
Delete an EDCS case:
When the application was not properly filed by the end of all close out periods; or
If an EDCS case was created for an incorrect SSN.
Do not delete an EDCS case if:
The case is currently locked;
Jurisdiction of one or more of the claims on the case has been transferred;
A Field Office (FO) determination has been entered on the case; or
The case shows that it was manually cleared.