It is possible that an EDCS user will create a case in EDCS before the IU uploads
the documents they want to submit through iAppeals. Since the IU did not complete
submission of the Internet documents before creation of the EDCS case, the Internet
Documents page will be empty.
If the IU subsequently submits the documents, the submission will appear on the iWMI
listing (iAppeals and MSSICS). If after EDCS transfer, the iWMI listing(s) indicates
receipt of Internet documents:
Open EDCS and select the Internet Documents page;
The upper box on the Internet Documents page will not show that any of the documents
have been associated with the case. The documents will appear in the lower box in
the Internet documents submitted for other filings table;
Review the documents in the list. An Add to Case button will appear next to each document
available for association with the case (Retention Status equals “Successful” or “Failed”);
Select the Add to Case button for each document to consider for addition to the case.
EDCS presents the Internet Document Detail page; and
Update the document details. The Internet Document Detail page will activate the Send
to EF, OK, and Cancel buttons, depending upon the retention action.
When the user selects the OK button or Send to EF button EDCS presents any applicable
edit conditions.
If the Retention Status for a document is “Undecided” and the Document Submission
Status is “Successful,” EDCS will present an error message that directs the user to
enter a specific retention action (retain or discard) for the document.
If the Document Retention Action is “Retain,” and the Document Type is “Other Evidence
or Form,” EDCS will direct the user to change the document type.
When the EDCS user resolves all the edits for a “Retain” action that has been sent
to the EF, EDCS will:
Notify DMA to move the document(s) to the permanent location;
Copy the metadata for the retained documents to the case in the EF;
Display a confirmation message, “The document has been sent to the Electronic Folder
(EF) and is now viewable through eView’s Case Documents tab;”
Return the EDCS user to the Internet Documents page; and
Notify the office with jurisdiction of the case that Internet documents have been
added to the case.
When the EDCS user resolves all the edits for a Discard action and selects the OK
button, EDCS will:
Display a confirmation message that says, “Are you sure you want to discard the document?
Discarded documents containing discard reason of ‘3rd Party PII’ or ‘Not Related to Case’ will be permanently deleted from DMA Viewer and
cannot be accessed later.”
If the user selects the OK button and the Discard Reason is “Third Party PII” or “Not
Related to Case,” EDCS notifies DMA to delete the document.
If the user selects the Cancel button, EDCS returns the user to the Internet Document
Detail page without notifying DMA.
The office with jurisdiction does not receive notice of any discarded documents.
When the EDCS user selects the Cancel button, EDCS returns the user to the Internet
Documents page without adding the document to the case.