Suspension applies when the balance of an SSI recipient's ABLE account exceeds $100,000
by an amount that causes the recipient to exceed the SSI resource limit--whether alone
or with other resources. When this situation happens:
We suspend the recipient's SSI benefits without time limit (as long as they remain
otherwise eligible);
The recipient is SSI eligible for Medical Assistance (Medicaid); and
The individual’s eligibility does not terminate after 12 continuous months of suspension.
Reinstate the recipient's regular SSI eligibility for all months in which the individual’s
ABLE account balance no longer causes the recipient to exceed the resource limit and
is otherwise eligible.
NOTE: “SSI eligible for Medicaid purposes” means that the individual is eligible for Medicaid
in States where Medicaid eligibility is based on SSI eligibility. For SSA determinations
of Medicaid Eligibility in 1634 States see SI 01730.000.
If an individual reaches the $100,000 account balance limit, please contact your regional
office so that they can alert the central office.
EXAMPLE: Excess resources — recipient is suspended but retains
eligibility for Medicaid
Paul is the designated beneficiary of an ABLE account with a balance of $101,000 on
the first of the month. Paul's only other countable resource is a checking account
with a balance of $1,500. Paul’s countable resources are $2,500 and therefore exceed
the SSI resource limit. However, since Paul's ABLE account balance causes them to
exceed the resource limit (i.e., their countable resources other than the ABLE account
are less than $2,000), suspend Paul’s SSI eligibility and stop their cash benefits,
but retain their eligibility for Medicaid in their State.