If the affidavit of support is not in the DHS file, ask DHS for the following information
from State Department Form OF-230 (Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration,
revised 4/91):
the answer to Part II, question 28 (which provides the name and address of the sponsor);
whether the check box at Part II question 39 which states whether an affidavit of
support was filed has been checked.
Document the file with DHS' response; i.e., a copy of the OF-230, any correspondence,
or a Report of Contact.
If “Affidavit of Support” in Part II, question 39 on the OF-230 is checked and there is no other information
about sponsorship in the DHS file, ask the DHS to resolve the discrepancy.
On previous (pre-4/91) editions of the OF-230, see questions 16 and 17 for sponsor
identification information and question 42 which states whether an affidavit of support
was filed.
NOTE: While the OF-230 is a U.S. Department of State form, it is maintained in DHS records.