When you discover a trust, follow the procedures in SI 01120.200 to determine if the trust is countable for SSI purposes. If the individual resides
in a section 1634 State, do not attempt to determine whether the trust is countable or excludable for Medicaid purposes
or whether counting it as income and/or resources and/or treating it as a transfer
might be waived by the Medicaid State agency.
Copy any trust information provided. Follow regional and local procedures for where
to send this information; if none are available, send to the same State agency address
used for copies of the SSA-8019-U2.
Existence of a Medicaid trust will result in a referral of the case to the Medicaid
State agency for a Medicaid eligibility decision. Explain to the individual that the
Medicaid State agency will determine Medicaid eligibility.
NOTE: Posteligibility discovery of a Medicaid trust in a section 1634 State will not result in a correct automated paragraph. Suppress any automated notice and prepare
the manual notice using Medicaid paragraph 1147 in NL 00804.110. See NL
00801.010C. for notice suppression references.
Code a “Q” and the date of discovery of the trust or similar legal instrument or device in the
Third Party Liability (PT) field of the Supplemental Security Record.
The “Q” will post on the SSR from the Trust (RTRS) page discussed in MSOM INTRANETSSI 013.005