States have deletion responsibility for all records which appear on the State"s buy-in
account as State responsibility items. However, there are situations under which CMS
will delete records for the State (See HI 00815.063.G). States are required to submit deletion actions within a specified timeframe when
Medicaid eligibility has been terminated by the State (See HI 00815.063.D).
In alert States where buy-in accretion and deletion responsibility rests with the
States, CMS provides informational SSI Accretion/Deletion alert records to assist
the State in making timely buy-in determinations. For potential buy-in deletions,
CMS generates a deletion alert record, on a monthly basis to alert States. This record
is generated only when the buy-in system is notified that SSI has been terminated
and the individual currently appears on the buy-in.
In accrete States, all SSI/Buy-in records are under CMS jurisdication and they cannot
be deleted by a State-initiated deletion action. However, accrete States are responsible
for all other records regardless of whether the item was originally accreted by the
State or the item became State responsibility as a result of a transfer of jurisdiction
from CMS to the State.