Example 1: Medical Improvement
A determination is made that the disability insurance benefit (DIB) entitlement of
Kant, a D-HI beneficiary, must be terminated effective 4/30/00 because Kant's impairment
is no longer disabling. If notice of termination is sent in 2/00 or 3/00, D-HI terminates
at the same time as Kant's DIB. If notice of DIB termination is first sent in 11/00,
Kant's D-HI ends 12/31/00.
Example 2: Revised Onset Date
Johnson was awarded DIB beginning 6/97 based on a disability onset date of 12/12/96.
Johnson was awarded D-HI effective 6/99, Johnson's 25th month of DIB entitlement. In 12/99, however, Johnson is notified that Johnson's disability
onset date has been revised to 12/9/98. Johnson's D-HI ends 1/31/00, the end of the
month following the month Johnson was notified of the correct onset date. Johnson
will be re-entitled to D- HI effective 6/01, Johnson's 25th month of DIB entitlement based on the 12/98 onset date.
Example 3: SGA Termination After TWP
Smith has been entitled to D-HI since 5/97. Although Smith continues to be severely
impaired, the completed a TWP in a sheltered workshop on 9/30/98. If Smith continues
working at SGA levels, the DIB entitlement will end on 10/1/01. The D-HI entitlement,
however, will continue through 6/30/06. Smith will then be eligible to enroll in Premium-HI
for the Working Disabled. On the other hand, if Smith's impairment ends prior to 10/1/01,
D-HI ends with the end of the month following the month the DIB termination notice
is mailed to Smith and Smith will not be eligible to enroll in Premium-HI for the
Working Disabled.
Example 4: D-HI Reinstated During Appeal
Klein met the 24-month D-HI qualifying period requirement in 9/90. In
5/99, it is determined that Klein is no longer disabled and Klein is notified that
Klein is no longer entitled to DIB or Medicare. The D-HI termination is effective
6/30/99, the end of the month following the month the title II benefit termination
notice is mailed to Klein. Within 10 days of receiving the notice, Klein files an
appeal and requests reinstatement of Klein's benefits. Klein's DIB and Medicare continue
pending resolution of the appeal. In 12/99, Klein is informed that the initial cessation
was proper. Although DIB is terminated retroactively, Medicare continues through 1/31/00,
the end of the month following the month the hearing notice was mailed to Klein.