HI 00825.000 Inquiries and Referrals for HI/SMI

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
Inquiries and Referrals for HI/SMI
HI 00825.001 HI/SMI Inquiries Received from Beneficiaries
HI 00825.005 Determining Enrollment Status
HI 00825.015 Premium Inquiries TN 10 04-21
HI 00825.020 Correspondence Pertaining to State Buy-In, Group Payers, Civil Service, or RRB
HI 00825.055 Undeliverable HI/SMI Letters and Forms
HI 00825.060 HI/SMI Notices and Forms HCFA-40B, HCFA-40D
HI 00825.065 Forms CMS-1966, Medicare Health Insurance Card TN 15 07-24
HI 00825.070 Undeliverable SMI Premium Notice
HI 00825.075 Processing Returned SMI Refund Checks TN 10 04-21
HI 00825.080 Establishing a SMI Premium Payer for Uninsured (T, M, J, or K) Enrollee TN 9 01-20
HI 00825.095 FormCMS-2178-U2, HIB/SMIB Entitlement Problem — Priority TN 11 07-21
HI 00825.100 Entitlement Issue TN 11 07-21
HI 00825.105 Miscellaneous Issue
HI 00825.110 Interpretation of Combined HIM and MBR Query Replies
HI 00825.115 CMS-1725 (Program Service Center Referral)
HI 00825.120 Telephone Calls
HI 00825.125 Disclosure of Information
HI 00825.130 Disposition of Completed Correspondence
HI 00825.905 Phone Call Record of Critical HI/SMI Issue — Sample
HI 00825.906 Sample MBR Reply to Combined MBR/HIM Query
HI 00825.907 Sample HIM Reply to Combined MBR/HIM Query
HI 00825.908 Form SSA-3339-U2, Interim Reply to HIB/SMIB Referrals
HI 00825.909 Transmittal Used by OCRO to Forward Earnings Statements to PSC
HI 00825.910 HCFA-1778 HIMEXC PSC Request Card
HI 00825.912 Form CMS-1725 (Program Service Center Referral)
HI 00825.913 Health Insurance Printout (HIPO)

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