TN 11 (07-24)

NL 01001.100 Procedure for the Certified Mail Special Notice Option (SNO) for People with Blindness or Visual Impairment

A. What happens when the person selects SNO of certified mail?

When the person chooses the certified mail option, the person receives their notices and other communications by certified mail. Explain to the person that electing this option means that the post office will deliver notices by certified mail, and that the addressee or an authorized representative must sign for receipt of the notice.

  • If the carrier cannot deliver the certified mail for any reason, they leave a notice of arrival, PS Form 3849 (Delivery Notice Reminder/Receipt).

  • If the person does not pick up the certified mail within 5 days after the carrier delivers the PS Form 3849, the post office (PO) issues a final notice.

  • If there is no response after 15 days (i.e., the certified mail is not picked up or redelivery is not requested), the certified mail is returned to the sender (e.g., SSA or DDS).

B. Who sends the notice by certified mail?

When we generate a centrally-produced notice, the issuing component, processing center (PC), or vendor sends the notices and other communications by certified mail.

For locally-prepared notices the component mailing the notice must send it by certified mail following its local certified mail procedures.

NOTE: ODAR staff will follow the procedures for certified mail in HALLEX I-2-3-50 Special Notices for Blind or Visually Impaired Claimants or Recipients and HALLEX I-3-1-70 Special Notices for Blind or Visually Impaired Claimants or Recipients.

C. How do foreign addresses affect the certified mail option?

If the person lives outside the United States, SSA sends the notices and other communications by registered mail. When someone with a foreign address requests this SNO, remind the person that SSA has no control over foreign postal practices and cannot guarantee successful delivery outside the United States.

D. What should I do if the certified or registered mail is returned as undeliverable?

If the PO returns a notice sent by certified mail, follow the instructions in NL 01001.440, Undeliverable Special Notice Option (SNO) for People with Blindness or Visual Impairments.

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NL 01001.100 - Procedure for the Certified Mail Special Notice Option (SNO) for People with Blindness or Visual Impairment - 07/09/2024
Batch run: 07/12/2024