TN 96 (05-24)

RM 10205.160 Parent’s SSN on an Application for an SSN Card

SSA must collect both parent’s SSN on an application for an original or new SSN for children under age 18 (i.e., different number request or new SSN due to adoption). Public Law (P.L.) 105-34 (the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997) requires SSA to give the parents’ SSNs to IRS.

A. Parent files an application for their own original SSN at the same time as filing for a child’s original SSN

When a parent files an application for their own original SSN and an application for an original SSN for their child, process the parent's SSN application first. Generate an alert for the FO when the parent’s SSN is assigned by coding the “Notify office of SSN assigned” on the Verify and Sign screen in SSNAP.

After the parent’s SSN is assigned, input the child’s application.

Both parents’ SSNs must be provided on an application for an original SSN for a child under age 18, unless the applicant has an acceptable reason for not providing it.

B. Acceptable reasons for not providing both parents’ SSNs on a child’s application for an original SSN card

An acceptable reason for not providing a parent's SSN is:

  • The parent is deceased;

  • The parent does not have an SSN and is not applying for one;

  • An Enumeration at Birth (EAB) record results in an investigate message, e.g., EM-3 message, and the State did not obtain the parent’s SSN; or

  • The parent's SSN is not known or the applicant is not a parent of the child and cannot be expected to be able to obtain the SSN.

    EXAMPLE: The child is in State custody for foster care or has been given up for adoption. Or, the parent/mother is not married to the parent/father, and does not know the parent/father's SSN or enough identifying information to locate the parent/father's SSN.

If the applicant has an acceptable reason for not providing a parent's SSN, check “Unknown SSN or None” on the Additional Info screen in SSNAP.

Do not enter “unknown” unless one of the reasons above applies.


C. Determining a parent’s SSN on a child’s application for an original SSN card

1. During an in-person interview

Attempt to locate the missing parent’s SSN when it is missing from the child’s application and you cannot establish an acceptable reason for not providing it.

When possible, request the applicant to telephone the parent for the missing information. Do not ask the applicant to make a telephone call when there is known domestic abuse.

When telephone contact is not possible, ask the applicant for sufficient identifying information about the parent for us to locate the missing SSN by obtaining an alphident.

IMPORTANT: If you locate a missing SSN for a parent who is not the applicant, enter it into SSNAP and click the box “Hide SSN on printed application” so the applicant cannot view the SSN.

Do not process the application when you cannot locate the parent’s SSN and there is no acceptable reason for not providing it. See Policy on Providing Written Notice and Second Review When SSN or Card May Not Be Issued, RM 10215.110.

2. When an SS-5 is received by mail

If all evidence needed to process the application is provided, but one parent’s SSN is missing, first try to obtain it by telephone contact with the applicant.

If unable to reach the applicant by telephone, return the application and any documents to the applicant.

Use Form SSA-795 to request the missing information, following the example in this section at RM 10205.160F followed by the appropriate questions in RM 10205F.1. (when the applicant is the parent) or RM 10205.160F.2. (when the applicant is not the parent).

Shred the SSA-795 if a decision is subsequently made to process the application.

If the applicant is unwilling to provide the missing SSN or sufficient identifying information for SSA to clearly identify the assigned SSN, follow RM 10205.160E in this section.

D. Applicant is not willing to provide a parent’s SSN

Provide the applicant with written notice per RM 10215.110 explaining why we cannot assign an SSN to the child when the applicant either:

  • knows the missing SSN, or can obtain it, and is unwilling to provide it; or

  • is unwilling to provide sufficient information for us to locate the missing SSN by obtaining an alphident.

REMINDER: We do not keep any material when an SSN cannot be assigned, per RM 10215.110. Return all material to the applicant with the appropriate written notice explaining why we cannot assign an SSN.

E. Parent’s SSN does not verify

If a parent’s SSN does not verify, SSNAP displays an on-screen alert and places the application in suspect status if the SSN is not corrected.

Attempt to resolve the discrepancy using the evidence provided to support the application.

The first and last name listed for each parent on the child's application must exactly match the first and last name shown on the parent’s Numident record in either the NAA or NL2 (Name at Birth) fields.

If the parent’s name entered on the child’s application is correct and does not appear in the NAA or NL2 field on any iteration of the Numident record, update the parent's Numident record with the correct name before processing the child's application.

1. Correct SSN is provided on the application but the name is discrepant with the name on the Numident or supporting evidence

When the parent's name shown on the child’s application is different from the name on the parent’s Numident record, resolve the discrepancy before processing the child's application.

  • If a parent/father's name is shown incorrectly on the child’s application, but the name is shown correctly on the parent/father’s own Numident record and on the child's evidence of age, correct the parent/father’s name on the child’s application and process through SSNAP.

  • If the parent's name is shown incorrectly on the child's birth certificate (or other evidence of age), but is correct on the parent’s Numident record and on the child's application, do not process the child's SS-5. Advise the parent to obtain a corrected document from the issuing agency before processing the child’s application.

2. SSN provided on child’s application does not belong to the parent

If the SSN does not belong to the parent, the applicant must provide the correct SSN or indicate that there is a valid reason for not providing it.

F. Example of a request for a parent’s SSN

To request a parent’s SSN by mail, prepare Form SSA-795 with language similar to the language shown here, followed by the appropriate questions, depending on whether the applicant is a parent.

“When you completed the enclosed Form SS-5 (Application for a Social Security Card) for the child, you did not provide the Social Security numbers (or the correct numbers) for the parents listed in items 9 and 10.

If both parents have Social Security numbers, we need to know the correct numbers before we can assign a number to the child. However, if you are unable to provide both parents’ numbers, we need to know why you cannot provide them.

If you cannot provide the parents' numbers because neither parent has a Social Security number or because any of the other reasons listed below apply, we will still assign a Social Security number to the child if all other requirements are met.

We will not share the information you provide on this statement, other than the parents' Social Security numbers, with anyone. We are required to share the parents' Social Security numbers with the Internal Revenue Service.

To help us complete the processing of your application for a Social Security number for the child, please enter the parents' Social Security numbers in items 9.B. and 10.B. on Form SS-5. Otherwise, please give us the information below:”

1. When the applicant is the parent, add this questionnaire:


   I do not have a Social Security number.

   I do not know my Social Security number.

   Other (explain)

2. YOUR IDENTIFYING INFORMATION - This allows us to search our records for your Social Security number.

Your full first, middle, and last name:

Your date of birth:

Your place of birth:

Your parent/mother's full first, middle, and maiden name:

Your parent/father's full first, middle, and last name:


   Other parent does not have a Social Security number.

   Other parent's Social Security number is not known.

   Other (explain)

4. OTHER PARENT'S IDENTIFYING INFORMATION – This allows us to search our records for the other parent's Social Security number.

Other parent's full first, middle, and last name:

Other parent's date of birth:

Other parent's place of birth:

Other parent's parent/mother's full first, middle, and maiden name:

Other parent's parent/father's full first, middle, and last name:


2. When the applicant is not the parent, add this questionnaire:


   Parent/Mother does not have a Social Security number.

   Parent/Mother's Social Security number is not known.

   Other (explain)


   Parent/Father does not have a Social Security number.

   Parent/Father's Social Security number is not known.

   Other (explain)

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RM 10205.160 - Parent’s SSN on an Application for an SSN Card - 05/29/2024
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