If the child has a legal guardian or a foster care agency is involved,
obtain a copy of the court order for legal guardianship (photocopy is sufficient);
ask why the guardianship was established; and
determine the legal relationship between the child and the foster care agency and
the legal guardian;
store the evidence in eView using EP or the eView application, or in NDRED using EP,
and make documentation per GN 00502.065.
Remember, even when the agency is the legal guardian, you are not required to appoint
the legal guardian as the payee. In many cases, the foster care agency will encourage
the foster parents to apply as payee.
Gather all pertinent information and make a thoughtful and careful payee selection,
determining who would serve in the child's best interest.
For additional considerations when guardian is involved, see GN 00502.139.
For additional considerations when foster care is involved, see GN 00502.159.