TN 26 (01-23)

GN 02230.055 Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) - Posting

A. Posting a CMP

Regardless of the program in which the violation occurred, SSA can collect the CMP from any benefits the debtor is currently receiving.

See the Chart of Scenarios for posting CMPs in GN 02230.055B in this section.

For trust funding instructions see GN 02230.055A.8 in this section.

1. Parts of a CMP

CMPs can have two parts, the penalty, and the assessment.

Penalty – The penalty is an amount determined by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) that relates to the number of instances the person falsified, withheld information from SSA, or engaged in other program-related misconduct. OIG can impose a penalty of up to $9,966. The penalty amount is adjusted annually.

For historical penalty amounts for each violation, see GN 02230.050C.1.

Assessment – The assessment (or assessment in lieu of damages) represents the overpayment caused by the fraudulent action or other program-related misconduct. The assessment takes the place of the overpayment and may be equal to, greater than, or occasionally less than the overpayment caused by the misconduct. Therefore, adjust the record when posting the assessment so that SSA does not collect both the overpayment and the assessment. OIG may not always impose an assessment when it imposes a penalty.

IMPORTANT: Always post a CMP in its entirety as one amount (penalty and assessment combined), unless State Supplementation is involved in the overpayment. For instructions on posting CMPs to the SSR when State Supplementation is involved, see GN 02230.055A.5.

2. Posting the penalty amount of a CMP

OIG’s transmitting route slip (or other final administrative or judicial decision) specifies the amount of the penalty imposed.

Post the penalty to the record of the program in which the violation occurred. If collection can happen by posting the CMP to the debtor’s record other than the program where the violation occurred, post the CMP to that record. See instructions for posting the penalty to the MBR/SSR in GN 02230.055A.4.-5 and GN 02230.055A.8.

Penalty imposed but no assessment imposed

If OIG imposed a penalty but did not include any assessment in the CMP, and the violation occurred in one program and collection can be accomplished by posting the penalty to the debtor’s record in another program, post the penalty to the record in the other program. Include Remarks or Special Messages on all records involved identifying the program where the violation occurred.

3. Posting the assessment amount of a CMP

If an assessment is imposed,

  • The amount can be less than, equal to, or up to twice the amount of the overpayment that occurred as a result of the statement, representation, or other misconduct, which was the basis for the penalty.

  • The overpayment represents the damages sustained by the United States as a result of the person’s actions or omissions, and SSA collects the assessment instead of the overpayment.

SSA cannot collect both the assessment and the overpayment amount.

If the assessment is equal to or more than the overpayment.

  • Reduce the overpayment to zero and

  • Post the entire CMP amount. See instructions for posting the assessment to the MBR/SSR in GN 02230.055A.4.-5.

EXAMPLE 1: CMP Imposed and assessment greater than overpayment



Overpayment on record

$ 5,000

CMP imposed


$ 3,000


$10,000 (2 times overpayment amt)

Total CMP


Reduce Overpayment to zero

Title II

use TC 53, Reason code 97, via DRWD screen

(suppress any waiver decision notice)

Title XVI

use Z TAC for terminated records and

records with a force pay flag (FFLF) use NT TAC for all other Title XVI records

NOTE: A NT TAC in excess of $2,000 requires management approval. A NT TAC in excess of $20,000 requires RO approval. See 02220.005

Post $13,000 CMP

Title II

under TOE Code 61 via SMED screen

(MS 01102.003)

Title XVI

use a P TAC via UOMA screen as a Federal amount. This will show as a P99 on the SSR

(MS 00304.014)

Add Remarks and/or Special Messages to the record that a $13,000 CMP was imposed and the overpayment was reduced because of the assessment.

Sample Remarks and/or Special Messages for this scenario: $13K CMP ($3K PENALTY & $10K ASSMNT) ASSMNT REPRESENTS 2X O/P AND O/P REDUCED TO ZERO-DO NOT DELETE REMARK

If the assessment is less than the overpayment, reduce the overpayment amount by the assessment amount. The remaining overpayment balance is subject to normal overpayment recovery procedures. Post the entire penalty and assessment amount.

EXAMPLE 2: CMP Imposed and assessment less than overpayment



Overpayment on record

$ 15,000

CMP imposed


$ 5,000



Total CMP


Reduce the Overpayment on record to

$ 5,000

Title II

with TC 53, Reason code 97, for $10,000 or

Title XVI

with Z TAC for $10,000 (terminated or force pay flag record) or

with NT TAC for $10,000 (other than terminated record)

Post Combined Penalty and Assessment

(same as in example 1 above)


Add Remarks and/or Special Messages to the record that a $15,000 CMP was imposed and the overpayment was reduced because of the assessment.

Sample Remark for this scenario: $15K CMP ($5K PENALTY & $10K ASSMNT) ASSMT REPRESENTS 2/3s OF O/P- O/P REDUCED TO $5K-DO NOT DELETE REMARK

4. Posting a CMP to the MBR

a. Debtor in current pay status for Title II

  1. 1. 

    Post the entire CMP amount to the debtor’s MBR using Type of Event (TOE) Code 61. See instructions on how to establish a debt in MS 01102.003.

  2. 2. 

    Establish the debt under the name and SSN of the person the CMP was imposed on. For example, if the CMP was imposed on a representative payee for Double Check Negotiation (DCN) of the beneficiary’s benefits, establish the CMP on the representative payee’s own record under the representative payee’s name and SSN. Do not put the CMP on the beneficiary’s record.

    NOTE: If the CMP debtor does not have their own MBR, but is receiving benefits as an auxiliary (e.g., receiving benefits as a C1), post the entire CMP debt to the individual’s record of entitlement under their BIC.

  3. 3. 

    Establish the recovery rate. The recovery rate should be the negotiated rate stated in the settlement agreement or full withholding if there is no settlement agreement. Full withholding applies because the CMP is a result of fraud or related misconduct. See instructions on how to establish the recovery rate in MS 01106.015.

  4. 4. 

    Input a TC 53, Reason code 97 (Other), to reduce the overpayment represented by the assessment. Do not adjust the CMP amount when posting to the record. Post the CMP in its entirety. See examples of posting the assessment amount of a CMP in GN 02230.055A.3.

  5. 5. 

    Add a fraud indicator. See how to post a fraud indicator in GN 02230.055A.7.

  6. 6. 

    Add DMS Remarks and a Special Message on the MBR that include:

    • Amount of the CMP;

    • Any associated SSNs;

    • That the CMP is not subject to waiver or discharge in bankruptcy;

    • The overpayment was reduced because of the assessment (if applicable);

    • A remark stating not to delete the Remarks; and

    • Any additional necessary information.

  7. 7. 

    Send a notice stating that SSA plans to start withholding the person’s benefits to collect the CMP debt. See the CMP withholding notice in NL 00703.963.

    IMPORTANT: We must contact OGC and notify them that a CMP is involved in the bankruptcy and indicate the penalty amount and how much remains on the assessment. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, neither the “assessment” nor the “penalty” part of the CMP can be discharged in bankruptcy.  However, the law for Chapter 13 allows only the “assessment” part of the CMP to be excepted from and lets the debtor discharge the “penalty” part of the CMP.

b. Debtor in non-pay status for Title II

  1. 1. 

    Post the entire CMP amount to the debtor’s MBR using Type of Event (TOE) Code 61. If there is no MBR, establish a ROAR using TOE Code 61. See instructions on how to establish a debt in MS 01102.003.

  2. 2. 

    Establish the debt under the name and SSN of the person the CMP was imposed on. For example, if the CMP was imposed on a representative payee for DCN of the beneficiary’s benefits, establish the CMP on the representative payee’s own record (or a ROAR record), name, and SSN. Do not put the CMP on the beneficiary’s record.

    NOTE: If the CMP debtor does not have their own MBR, but is entitled as an auxiliary (e.g., entitled as a C1), post the entire CMP debt to the individual’s record of entitlement under their BIC.

  3. 3. 

    Input a TC 53, Reason code 97 (Other), to reduce the overpayment represented by the assessment. Do not adjust the CMP amount when posting to the record. Post the CMP in its entirety. See examples of Posting the Assessment amount of a CMP in GN 02230.055A.3.

  4. 4. 

    Add a fraud indicator. See how to post a fraud indicator in GN 02230.055A.7.

  5. 5. 

    Add DMS Remarks and a Special Message on the MBR that include:

    • Amount of the CMP;

    • Any associated SSNs;

    • That the CMP is not subject to waiver or discharge in bankruptcy;

    • The overpayment was reduced because of the assessment (if applicable);

    • A remark stating not to delete the Remarks; and

    • Any additional necessary information.

  6. 6. 

    There is no notice required for a non-pay situation.

5. Posting a CMP to the SSR

Currently, there is no specific Decision Code for CMPs. If no State Supplementation is involved, post the CMP in its entirety as a Federal amount to the SSR as a P TAC using the MSSICS UOMA screen. This will create a P99 TAC in the OPDD segment of the SSR. For information on the MSSICS UOMA screen, see MS 00304.014.

If there is an assessment that represents the overpayment and there was State Supplementation involved in the overpayment, post the CMP by breaking down the CMP into a Federal and a State amount.

IMPORTANT: Add Remarks to the SSR identifying the Overpayment Sequence (OPSQ) number(s) where the CMP is posted. For more information on the OPSQ segment, see SM 01311.035.

a. Debtor in current pay status for Title XVI

  1. 1. 

    Post the CMP to the SSR as a P TAC using the MSSICS UOMA Screen. This creates a P99 TAC in the OPDD segment of the SSR. For information on the MSSICS UOMA screen, see MS 00304.014. If an assessment was imposed, see examples of posting the assessment amount of a CMP in GN 02230.055A.3.

  2. 2. 

    Establish the debt under the name and SSN of the person the CMP was imposed on. For example, if the CMP was imposed on a representative payee for DCN of the recipient’s payments, establish the CMP on the representative payee’s own record under the representative payee’s name and SSN. Do not post the CMP on the recipient’s record.

  3. 3. 

    If an assessment is imposed and no State Supplementation is involved in the overpayment, record a P TAC for the CMP as a Federal amount only, via the MSSICS UOMA Screen.

  4. 4. 

    If an assessment is imposed and State Supplementation is involved in the overpayment, you must determine the State amount of the overpayment. If the overpayment contains State funds, use the MSSICS UOMA screen to record a State specific P TAC as a State amount for the State overpayment portion of the assessment. Use a P TAC as a Federal amount for the remainder of the CMP amount (i.e., rest of assessment amount plus the penalty amount). For examples of CMP impositions with an assessment that takes the place of an overpayment involving State Supplementation, see below. For a list of State fund codes see, SM 01301.535.

  5. 5. 

    Enter a notice date on the UOMA screen when you add the amount(s). Use the date of the final administrative or judicial action. The final action could be one of the following:

    • A signed settlement agreement by the Office of the Inspector General;

    • OIG demand letter imposing the CMP;

    • Health and Human Services’ (HHS) ALJ’s post-hearing decision;

    • HHS DAB’s recommended decision;

    • Commissioner decision reversing or modifying the HHS DAB’s recommended decision; or

    • U.S. Court of Appeals decision.

  6. 6. 

    Establish the recovery rate using the UOCR or UOPD screen. For information about check adjustment, see MS 00304.013, MS 00304.008, and SM 01311.125. The recovery rate could be either:

    • The negotiated rate stated in the settlement agreement; or

    • Full withholding if there is no settlement agreement. Full withholding applies because the CMP is not an overpayment, was the result of fraud or other misconduct, and is not subject to limitations on the amount SSA can withhold from current Title XVI payments to recover an overpayment.

  7. 7. 

    Add a fraud indicator. See how to post a fraud indicator in GN 02230.055A.7.

  8. 8. 

    Add Remarks on the SSR that include:

    • Amount of the CMP;

    • OPSQ number where CMP posted;

    • Any associated SSNs;

    • That the CMP is not subject to waiver or discharge in bankruptcy;

    • The overpayment was reduced because of the assessment (if applicable);

    • A remark stating not to delete the Remarks; and

    • Any additional necessary information.

  9. 9. 

    Send a notice stating that SSA plans to start withholding the person’s payment to collect the CMP debt. See the CMP withholding notice in NL 00703.963.

b. Debtor in non-pay status (other than T50/T51) for Title XVI

  1. 1. 

    Post the CMP to the SSR as a P TAC using the MSSICS UOMA Screen. This creates a P99 TAC in the OPDD segment of the SSR. For information on the MSSICS UOMA screen, see MS 00304.014. If an assessment was imposed, see examples of Posting the Assessment amount of a CMP in GN 02230.055A.3.

  2. 2. 

    Establish the debt under the name and SSN of the person the CMP was imposed on. For example, if the CMP was imposed on a representative payee for DCN of the recipient’s payments, establish the CMP on the representative payee’s own record under the representative payee’s name and SSN. Do not post the CMP on the recipient’s record.

  3. 3. 

    If an assessment is imposed and no State Supplementation is involved in the overpayment, record a P TAC for the CMP, as a Federal amount only, via the MSSICS UOMA Screen.

  4. 4. 

    If an assessment is imposed and State Supplementation is involved in the overpayment, you must determine the State amount of the overpayment. If the overpayment contains State funds, use the MSSICS UOMA screen to record a State specific P TAC as a State amount for the State overpayment portion of the assessment. Use a P TAC as a Federal amount for the remainder of the CMP amount (i.e., rest of assessment amount plus the penalty amount). For examples of CMP impositions with an assessment that takes the place of an overpayment involving State Supplementation, see below. For a list of State fund codes see, SM 01301.535.

  5. 5. 

    Enter a notice date on the UOMA screen when you add the amount(s). Use the date of the final administrative or judicial action. The final action could be one of the following:

    • A signed settlement agreement by the Chief Counsel to the Inspector General;

    • OCIG demand letter imposing the CMP;

    • HHS ALJ’s post-hearing decision;

    • HHS DAB’s recommended decision;

    • Commissioner decision reversing or modifying the HHS DAB’s recommended decision; or

    • U.S. Court of Appeals decision.

  6. 6. 

    Add a fraud indicator. See how to post a fraud indicator in GN 02230.055A.7.

  7. 7. 

    Add Remarks on the SSR that include:

    • Amount of the CMP;

    • OPSQ number where CMP posted;

    • Any associated SSNs;

    • That the CMP is not subject to waiver or discharge in bankruptcy;

    • The overpayment was reduced because of the assessment (if applicable);

    • A remark stating not to delete the Remarks; and

    • Any additional necessary information.

  8. 8. 

    There is no notice required for a non-pay situation.

EXAMPLE 1:CMP imposed, assessment equal to the pre-existing overpayment involving State Supplementation

CMP imposed = $1,100 ($1,000 penalty and $100 assessment)

Pre-existing overpayment = $100 ($75 Federal/$25 State Supplementation)

To delete/zero out the $100 overpayment:

  • Use a Z TAC on terminated records or records with a force pay flag (FFLF) via MSSICS UOPD Screen (MS 00304.008); or

  • Use an NT TAC on all other Title XVI records via MSSICS UOPD Screen (MS 00304.008).

Post the CMP as follows via the MSSICS UOMA Screen:

  • $1,075 Federal amount ($1,000 for the penalty and $75 for the Federal overpayment portion of the assessment). This creates a P99 TAC in the OPDD segment of the SSR.

  • $25 State amount for the State overpayment portion of the assessment. This creates a State specific P TAC in the OPDD segment of the SSR.

EXAMPLE 2: CMP imposed, assessment greater than pre-existing overpayment involving State Supplementation

CMP imposed = $1,200 ($1,000 penalty and $200 assessment)

Pre-existing overpayment = $100 ($75 Federal/$25 State Supplementation)

To delete/zero out the $100 overpayment:

  • Use a Z TAC on terminated records or records with a force pay flag (FFLF) via MSSICS UOPD Screen (MS 00304.008)

  • Use an NT TAC on all other Title XVI records via MSSICS UOPD Screen (MS 00304.008).

Post the CMP as follows via the MSSICS UOMA screen:

  • $1,175 Federal amount ($1,000 for the penalty + $100 for the amount of the assessment that is greater than the overpayment + $75 for the Federal overpayment). This creates a P99 TAC in the OPDD segment of the SSR.

  • $25 State amount for the state overpayment portion of the assessment. This creates a State specific P TAC in the OPDD segment of the SSR.

6. Establishing a ROAR record when no MBR/SSR exists

In order to have an automated record when a CMP is imposed for a person who has never been entitled to benefits (and therefore has no MBR or SSR), the debt must be established on a ROAR record. The PSC is responsible for establishing a ROAR record. The ROAR record must be established on the CMP debtor’s own SSN using BIC A. See instructions on how to establish a debt in MS 01102.003.

7. Posting a fraud indicator

Always include a fraud indicator on the record when posting a CMP.

Title II – Post a “Y” fraud indicator to ROAR on the Modify Debt Statistics (SMMD) screen when posting the CMP. For information on the SMMD screen, see MSOM DMS 002.005.

Title XVI – Although the SSR does not have a specific fraud indicator, use the UOSD screen and select “4” (Fraud) under Suspend Billing. The suspend billing code should remain indefinitely. This allows the system to recognize it is a fraud debt. For information on the UOSD screen, see MS 00304.006.

NOTE: The fraud indicator is the only way to prevent the debt from being billed through the Recovery and Collection of Overpayment (RECOOP) Process system and from being selected for collections via the Treasury Offset Program (TOP).

8. Posting a CMP to a record in a program other than the program in which the violation occurred – trust funding

When posting a CMP to a record in a program other than the program in which the violation occurred, manual trust fund corrections may be necessary.

EXAMPLE 1: Title XVI CMP posted to a Title II record

A CMP is imposed on a Title XVI recipient’s representative payee, and the representative payee does not have an SSR or MBR.

  • Establish a ROAR record for the representative payee;

  • Choose the SSI trust fund indicator when establishing the ROAR; and

  • Post payments received to the ROAR record.

The system automatically credits the SSI general fund with remittance amounts.

EXAMPLE 2: Title II CMP posted to a Title XVI record

A CMP is imposed on a Title II recipient’s representative payee, and the representative payee only has a Title XVI record.

  • Post the CMP to the representative payee’s Title XVI record;

  • Post payments received to the Title XVI record; and

  • Complete an SSA-666 (Adjustment in Trust Fund Accounts) for remittances SSA receives to ensure the Title II trust fund is credited properly. Do not transfer the entire CMP amount unless all payments have been received. Make the transfers on a periodic basis as payments are received (e.g., quarterly). However, you must complete all transfers of funds SSA actually received before the end of each fiscal year. For instructions on completing the SSA-666, see SM 00610.230B, steps 5 and 6.

9. PSY T50/T51 on SSR

The system does not allow overpayments to be posted to an SSR when the PSY is T50/T51. If a CMP is imposed for a Title XVI violation and the SSR PSY is T50/T51:

  • Post the CMP to the MBR, if one exists, or establish a ROAR record;

  • Establish the debt and select the SSI trust fund indicator;

  • Add DMS Remarks or a Special Message on the MBR explaining the situation; and

  • Credit any payments to the MBR or ROAR.

10. Enter Remarks on the SSR or a Special Message on the MBR and in DMS

  • Always enter information describing the CMP on the person’s own and any associated MBRs or SSRs. For Title II, also document the DMS Remarks screens (this includes when a stand-alone ROAR record is established).

  • Specify the amount of the penalty and assessment and include any information that would help clarify the CMP. For example, cross-reference SSNs that may have been involved, a representative payee situation, or the assessment has taken the place of the overpayment.

  • Annotate that the CMP is not subject either to waiver or to discharge in bankruptcy. In addition, include that these remarks should not be deleted.

EXAMPLES of Remarks entered on the SSR, MBR, or in DMS:

$5K CMP IMPOSED FOR DCN ON JOHN DOE XXX-45-XXXX FRAUD-DO NOT WAIVE OR DISCHARGE-COLLECT O/P THEN CMP-DIARY SET FOR MM/DD/YY-DO NOT DELETE REMARK (Use this remark in the relatively rare circumstance when OIG’s settlement agreement provides for completion of collecting the overpayment before the CMP.)




IMPORTANT: On the SSR, always include the OPSQ number of the CMP in Remarks.

11. CMP imposed against a representative payee

If the CMP is imposed against a representative payee, take the following actions in addition to posting the CMP:

  • Query the eRPS system using the representative payee’s SSN. Refer to MS 07407.003.

  • Annotate the misuse determination on the RPS via the RMIS screen, if the CMP is imposed due to misuse. For information on the RMIS screen, see MS 07406.007.

  • Add a statement to the representative payee special text screen about the CMP finding; include the reason for the CMP, date imposed, program, related claim number(s), and CMP amount. For information on entering remarks in RPS, see MS 07415.002.

  • Conduct a continued suitability investigation if the representative payee is currently serving for other beneficiaries/recipients. For information on determining the need for a new representative payee, see GN 00504.100.

12. Enter Remarks on the Representative Payee System (RPS)

If a CMP is imposed on a person, who is serving or has previously served as a representative payee, enter information about the CMP on the Make note screen in RPS, see MS 07415.002, and include associated SSNs. For information on entering remarks in RPS, see MS 07415.002 and GN 00502.132B.

13. Relationship of non-legally defined overpayment (LDO) to assessment

If the overpayment resulting from the CMP debtor’s conduct is not an LDO and an assessment is imposed that represents that non-LDO, the assessment takes the place of the non-LDO. For collection purposes, treat the non-LDO like an LDO. Post the penalty and assessment according to these POMS. For information on erroneous payments that are not overpayments, see GN 02201.001.

B. CMP Case Posting Scenarios

Below are some examples of CMP case scenarios and guidance on how to post the CMP. Use this chart as a general guide to post CMPs in these scenarios. Not all CMPs fall within the listed scenarios because of the variable factors in each case. Therefore, you may need to seek additional guidance on the particular CMP case you are handling. Follow your office’s established contact procedures when seeking additional guidance.

1. CMP imposed for a Title II violation

Payment Status


T2 current pay

T16 current pay

= post to T2 record and collect from T2

T2 non-pay

T16 current pay

= post to T16 record and collect from T16.

Credit T2 trust fund with payments

See GN 02230.055A.8.

T2 non-pay

T16 non-pay*

= post to T2 record

T2 non-pay


= post to T2 record


T16 current pay

= post to T16 record and collect from T16.

Credit T2 trust fund with payments

See GN 02230.055A.8.


T16 non-pay*

= post to T16 record



= establish a ROAR record and post the CMP

2. CMP imposed for a Title XVI violation

Payment Status


T16 current pay

T2 current pay

= post to T16 record and collect from T16

T16 non-pay*

T2 current pay

= post to T2 record and collect from T2.

Credit T16 trust fund with payments

See GN 02230.055A.8.

T16 non-pay*

T2 non-pay

= post to T16 record

T16 non-pay*


= post to T16 record


T2 current pay

= post to T2 record and collect from T2.

Credit T16 trust fund with payments

See GN 02230.055A.8.


T2 non-pay

= post to T2 record



= establish a ROAR record and post the CMP.

Credit T16 trust fund with payments

See GN 02230.055A.8.

3. CMP imposed for violations in both Title II and Title XVI

A CMP can be imposed as a result of violations under both Title II and Title XVI. If an OIG settlement agreement exists, adhere to the terms in that agreement. However, if no settlement agreement exists, follow the method in the chart below:

Payment Status


T2 current pay

T16 current pay

= post to either T2 or T16 record

T2 current pay

T16 non-pay*

= post to T2 record and collect from T2

T2 current pay


= post to T2 record and collect from T2

T2 non-pay

T16 current pay

= post to T16 and collect from T16

T2 non-pay

T16 non-pay*

= post to T2 record

T2 non-pay


= post to T2 record


T16 current pay

= post to T16 and collect from T16


T16 non-pay*

= post to T16



= establish ROAR record and post the CMP

*IMPORTANT: If the T16 record non-pay status is PSY T50/T51, the system will not allow you to post the CMP debt. In this instance, you must post the CMP to the T2 record. If no T2 record exists, you must establish a ROAR record for the CMP.

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