If an estate requests a waiver and we determine that the deceased overpaid individual
was not at fault for the overpayment, we will find recovery from the estate is against
equity and good conscience if the deceased overpaid individual meets the criteria
for against equity and good conscience. If a distributee requests a waiver and we
determine that the distributee is not at fault for the overpayment, we will find recovery
from the distributee is against equity and good conscience if the distributee meets
the criteria for against equity and good conscience.
For more information on evaluating fault when an estate or distributee requests waiver,
refer to GN 02250.005.
For more information on closed estates, refer to GN 02215.070. For more information on general recovery from an estate or distributee, refer to
GN 02215.050, GN 02215.055, GN 02215.070.