All checks, except regular monthly checks, bear the date on which Treasury printed
them. Monthly recurring checks show the scheduled delivery date.
SSA pays recurring monthly check payments, which include the cycle payments, on one
of four dates in the month following the month for which they are due:
Cycle 1 – 3rd of the month
If the regularly scheduled payment date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal Federal
holiday, Treasury dates the checks for the first day before that date that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal Federal holiday.
For example, the regularly scheduled payment date for the July 2024 payment was August
3. However, the third fell on a Saturday. Therefore, Treasury dated the July 2024
payment August 2, 2024.
We prepare PMA checks after the cutoff date of the current month, but before the first
of the next month. A PMA check includes the amount due for the current calendar month.
We date PMA checks for the first of the next month.
NOTE: Since this type of PMA check includes payments for the current month, the payment
date must be the first day of the next calendar month.