TN 63 (10-22)

GN 02408.022 Automated F-Stop Process for Checks Only

A. Background


For alleged nonreceipt cases where SSA inputs a B-stop, the Department of the Treasury issues a courtesy replacement check payment. For Title XVI, when the original check is subsequently cashed, the SSI system automatically places an F-stop on the courtesy replacement check payment. For Title II, when the original check is subsequently cashed, an alert goes to the Field Office (FO) and an automated F-stop action occurs in the Program Service Center (PSC) on the courtesy replacement check payment. If an automated F-stop is not possible, the PSC will input a manual F-stop action (For more information see GN 02408.025).


NOTE: The F-stop prompts a status of the payment. For F-stop actions, Treasury sends a claims package to the beneficiary or recipient. Treasury also makes the claims package available in the Treasury Check Information System (TCIS).

B. References

GN 02406.300 Original and Courtesy or Replacement Check Cashed – Double Check Negotiation (DCN) – Potential Overpayment.

GN 02406.150 When to Request Payment after Status C-Stop - Normal and Dire Need Situations


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GN 02408.022 - Automated F-Stop Process for Checks Only - 10/20/2022
Batch run: 01/23/2024