TN 12 (01-24)

GN 02615.115 Title II Clark Court Order Automated Reinstatement Relief

A. Clark Court Order automated relief

During the months of December 2012 and January 2013, the Office of Quality Performance’s (OQP) Expert System, via Manual Adjustment Credit and Award Data Entry System (MACADE)/Manual Adjustment, Credit and Award Processes (MADCAP), will automatically resume Class Members’ benefits that were in probation or parole violation (PPV) suspension because of a 10/24/2006 or later agency suspension. We will add a central office (CO) message of “CLARK COURT ORDER—CASE SELECTED FOR CLARK REVIEW” and a Special Message (SP MSG) of “CLARK COURT ORDER--AUTOMATED RELIEF PROCESSED” to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) to easily identify these cases. We will list Class Members selected for automated relief on the Civil Action Tracking System (CATS) with a Court Case Identifier (CCID) of C1.

Beneficiaries in PPV S9 FUGFEL suspension status, who had a representative payee, will have their payment status converted from S9 FUGFEL to S8 DEVPYE effective with the current operation month (COM) of December 2012 or January 2013 as explained in GN 00504.105A.3. Beneficiaries in PPV S9 FUGFEL suspension status, who had a representative payee and are California residents, will have their payment status converted from S9 FUGFEL to S9 WHEREU effective with the COM of December 2012 or January 2013, as explained in GN 00504.105A.3. The Expert System will place the retroactive benefits due for the period of PPV S9 FUGFEL in the Special Pay Accrual (SPA) field on the MBR pending development of the suitability of the beneficiary’s current representative payee. For information on processing a Clark Class Member’s continuing representative payee suitability, see GN 02615.115D in this section.

Some automated resumption actions generate exceptions or alerts resulting in a MADCAP exception or alert, which require manual processing. For information on MADCAP exceptions or limitations from the automated process, see GN 02615.115B.1. in this section.

For information about and exhibits of the Class Members automated resumption notices, see GN 02615.160.

B. Processing Center (PC) Clark automated resumption exceptions, alerts, and payment reminders

1. Clark MACADE/MADCAP automated exception relief processing

To locate the MACADE/MADCAP exceptions, take the following actions.

  • Go to the MACADE Status Report to view all excepted Social Security numbers (SSNs). MACADE updates the SSNs to the MACADE pending file with a status code of EXC. The Expert System’s MACADE/MADCAP Clark automation run batch number is “QP.”

  • MACADE provides an online exception process for unsuccessful MADCAP actions. Use Function 9 on the MAIN menu to access this MACADE online exception process. MACADE displays all generated alerts and exceptions on the MACADE Exception (EXC) screen.

  • Review the MADCAP exception and alerts codes for the SSN. For information on MADCAP exception codes and alerts, see SM 00860.400 and SM 00860.410, respectively.

  • Determine the reason the reinstatement action excepted or alerted. After correcting the exception or alert, reintroduce the record via MACADE/MADCAP. For MACADE/MADCAP resumption exception processing instructions, see GN 02615.115B.2. in this section.

  • Review the possible factors that could affect the reinstatement payment before reintroducing the MACADE/MADCAP exception. For the information on the possible factors that could affect processing of the reinstatement payment, see GN 02615.115C in this section.

2. PC instructions for manually resuming benefits when an exception occurs

Take the following actions to resume benefits via MACADE/MADCAP.

  • When the FFEL screen appears, the updated data propagates to the screen. Verify this data before processing the MACADE/MADCAP transaction. Do not delete the FFEL data.

  • Process the MADCAP exception using the MACADE/MADCAP coding instructions in GN 02615.120D.1. for suspense status to current payment and also for closed periods of PPV suspension.

  • Add a MBR SP MSG to annotate the record that you processed the Clark relief, “CLARK COURT ORDER—CLARK RELIEF PROCESSED.”

C. Possible factors affecting the reinstatement payment

1. No Social Security Benefits for Prisoners Act of 2009

Do not release the Clark Court Order retroactive relief payments to beneficiaries who are prisoners as defined in GN 02612.001B, or are subject to nonpayment because of fugitive felon suspension (offense codes 4901, 4902, or 4999). In all Clark relief actions, review the Prisoner Update Processing System Data (PUPS) and the Fugitive Felon System Control File (FFSCF) to determine the beneficiary’s status prior to releasing any retroactive benefits. Refer to GN 02612.001 through GN 02612.040 for instructions.

2. Applying other statutory suspension events

We have a priority order for applying termination, nonpayment, reduction, deduction, and withholding events to monthly title II benefit amounts. The priority order affects the calculation of the retroactive class relief amount because retroactive relief is not due for months that have a higher priority suspension. For more information on the priority order, see GN 02602.025.

3. Prior overpayment waiver approvals

Review the Recovery of Overpayments, Accounting, and Record (ROAR) segment of the MBR to check for prior overpayment waiver approval actions for PPV Type of Event (TOE) 74 suspension overpayments incurred on or after 10/24/2006. Do not release any retroactive benefits for the PPV suspension months for which we previously waived a PPV uncollected overpayment.

D. Reinstated Clark Class Members with a representative payee

1. Identification of Clark court order cases with a representative payee

For the systems identification and subsequent processing of Class Member’s with a representative payee, see GN 02615.115A in this section.

We listed the Clark Court Order cases with representative payees (except for California residents) on the representative payee S8 Tracking Application. Each field office (FO) is responsible for monitoring the website and resolving cases in its jurisdiction. Once you remove the beneficiary from S8 status, we will not list the case in the next month's run.

We placed California residents, who received Clark relief, in “S9 WHEREU” status. The San Francisco Regional Office will closely monitor these cases to ensure that cases are resolved timely.

2. Rules for reinstating benefits for a beneficiary with a representative payee

For the rules on reinstating benefits to a beneficiary with a representative payee following a suspension of three months or more, see GN 00504.160B.2. for required representative payee-related development.

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GN 02615.115 - Title II Clark Court Order Automated Reinstatement Relief - 01/04/2024
Batch run: 02/21/2025