Use earnings information that indicates when the monthly earnings were earned. Check
the pay stub table in eWork for submitted wages. If the pay stub table has earnings
from two or more sources for the same employer for the same period, but the information
conflicts or is duplicate, prioritize the earnings in the following order:
Earning posted by a Social Security employee (SSAE)
Earnings reported online by a beneficiary or representative payee (myWR)
Earnings reported by the Employment Network (ENI)
eWork automatically converts pay stub information into monthly totals based on pay
periods. Select the “verified by” code of Pay Stub for SSAE, myWR, and ENI earnings.
For any months that you are unable to determine an accurate amount, proceed to the
next available earnings source. You may use a combination of earnings sources to complete
the review.
NOTE: You may also use pay stub evidence stored in other repositories. For example, you
may also use the Supplemental Security Income Monthly Wage Verification Application
(SSIMWV) or pay stubs scanned in Evidence Portal. Use SSIMWV pay stubs only if they
include pay period information, and you can determine when the pay was earned.