The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (BBA) amended sections 225, 1184, and 1631(e) of
the Social Security Act (Act). On December 31, 2024, the agency published regulations
describing the agency’s procedures for implementing access to and use of information
held by payroll providers (PDP) in order to efficiently administer the Social Security
Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. Employers
who participate in a payroll service with a PDP send their wage and employment information
to the PDP. The payroll information exchange (PIE) automates the reporting process
and helps reduce improper payments by ensuring timely and accurate submission of wage
and employment reports.
To obtain wages from the PDP, request wage and employment information authorization
(WEIA) on form SSA-8240 or through attestation via the WEIA screen from the appropriate
individual during initial claims, work CDRs, and requests for expedited reinstatement
(EXRs). For instructions on obtaining authorization, see GN 00204.150. Technicians may view, print, and save wage and employment information received from
the PDP and myWageReport (myWR) via the Wage and Employment Information (WEI) Repository.
For more information on the WEI, see the WEI User Guide. For post-entitlement cases,
if eWork receives PDP data from an employer and the Employer Identification Number
(EIN) does not match any EIN for the beneficiary currently in eWork, eWork will add
the employer to the Work Review Summary Screen. The wage and employment information
obtained from the PDP will propagate into the eWork pay stub table with the source
code of PDP and the monthly earnings for that employer will display on the Earnings
Details Screen.
NOTE: The work CDR Due Process notice advises beneficiaries that we may have used earnings
from a PDP and offers the beneficiary Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) language.