For unfavorable ALJ decisions, SBC ends the month before the month of the ALJ decision
or dismissal date. SBC terminates automatically for certain case types as explained
in DI 12027.020C.2. For cases that do not terminate automatically, the FO must enter a Post Entitlement
Online System (POS) input to terminate SBC benefits.
The hearing office will add the following language to the decision transmittal: "Further
action necessary by claims processing component. The individual in this medical cessation
case appears to have had disability payments/benefits continued through the hearing
level. The ALJ's decision/dismissal of (date) is less than fully favorable; disability
ceased on (date). Please terminate continued disability payments/benefits immediately."
For electronic cases, the transmittal information will be viewable in eView's "Case
Data" tab under "ALJ Disposition" in the "Transmittal Data" subsection. For paper
cases, the hearing office will send a copy of the decision/dismissal and transmittal
to the FO via desktop fax.