TN 31 (01-25)

DI 13050.065 Title II and Title XVI Expedited Reinstatement (EXR) Medical and Technical Denials

A. Policy for EXR medical denials

The Disability Determination Services (DDS) can deny an EXR request because the disability is not the same as or related to the prior disability, or because the claimant is not disabled when evaluated under the medical improvement review standard (MIRS). An EXR denial is an initial determination that carries appeal rights as discussed in DI 13050.085C. However, the claimant cannot appeal the termination of provisional payments due to the determination.

B. Procedure for EXR medical denial

1. How to determine an EXR medical denial

When the DDS makes an unfavorable medical determination on an EXR request, the determination will appear on the Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS) Action Items list. The electronic folder will contain a denial notice with a Personalized Decision Notice, and an SSA-832 Title XVI Cessation or Continuance of Disability Determination and Transmittal, or SSA-833 Title II Cessation or Continuance of Disability Determination and Transmittal. If the EXR is an EDCS exclusion, the DDS will send the paper folder to the FO. The determination will not appear on the EDCS Action Items List. Determine the basis for the medical determination by reviewing the following items on SSA-832 or SSA-833:

  • Item 10 will have block D indicated, which shows “other”.

  • Item 11 will show code 28 for Title II not same as or related denial, 61 for Title XVI not same as or related denial, or normal CDR codes for MIRS denials-see DI 28084.015.

2. Denial notice

The DDS prepares and sends a denial notice with a Personalized Explanation to the claimant and any appropriate third party. The notice informs the claimant that they may file a new application for disability benefits, request a reconsideration of the EXR decision, or file a new EXR application. For information about appropriate Medicare language in denial notices, see DI 13050.070.

NOTE: The request for reinstatement can be used as protective filing for a new application if the claimant chooses to file a new application.

3. Provisional benefits

Terminate provisional benefits (if currently being paid). The last month provisional benefits are payable is the month the DDS mails the EXR denial notice, provided the benefit is not subject to earlier termination for another reason. For termination reasons, see DI 13050.025A.2 and DI 13050.030A.2.

a. Provisional benefits for Title II

If the denial is for medical improvement, (item 11 of the SSA-833 indicates a MIRS denial):

  • Input a medical cessation through POS to stop provisional payments. For termination instructions, see MS 06303.024 and DI 13050.025J,

  • Use option 10=CESSATION to clear the EXR event from the Disability Control File (DCF),

If the denial is coded “not the same as or related impairment” (item 11 of the SSA-833 is 28)

  • Do not use POS to terminate provisional benefits, as the Dib line will update to reflect Medical Improvement and POS will also terminate the Extended Medicare (if in effect). A “not the same as” denial does not result in termination of Extended Medicare; instead, send a request to the program center (PC) to stop the provisional payments.

To contact the PC of jurisdiction:

Access the Detailed Office/Organization Resource System (DOORS) using the search SSN function to send an email to the appropriate PC module with the subject line "EXR Denial."

  • Use option 5, SSR/MBR/STOP CDR to close the EXR event on the DCF, per DI 13010.620.

b. Provisional benefits for Title XVI

To terminate provisional benefits for Title XVI, do the following:

  • Post payment status code N07 to the SSR. For termination instructions, see SM 01701.080 and SM 01305.001O.6 and

  • Clear the EXR event within the DCF as a cessation, per DI 13010.620.

4. Medicare and Medicaid

Refer to HI 00801.165C and DI 13050.070 for the effect an unfavorable medical decision has on Medicare entitlement and SI 01730.010 for the effect on Medicaid.

NOTE: If the DDS medically denies an EXR request on a concurrent claimant under the MIRS, initiate a medical CDR for the other title, per DI 13001.005A.8

C. Policy for EXR technical denials

FO technicians must screen cases for EXR eligibility per DI 13050.001, DI 13050.045A and DI 13050.050A, and discuss filing a new claim versus an EXR with the claimant per DI 13050.020. If the claimant does not meet the technical requirements for EXR but the claimant insists on filing, technically deny the request. Send an EXR denial notice to the claimant and any appropriate third party. Title II EXR denial notices are available in DPS. Include Medicare information as appropriate. For instructions on inserting the appropriate Medicare language, see DI 13050.070. If the claimant chooses to file a new initial claim for disability benefits, you may use the request for EXR as a protective filing. If you determine that the claimant is not eligible for EXR after the claimant files the request (for example, if the claimant engaged in SGA in both the month of the EXR request and the following month), technically deny the request.

D. Procedure for Title II technical denials

1. Claimant chooses to file a new initial claim

Document the reason the claimant decided to file a new initial claim instead of an EXR request on the Report of Contact (RPOC) screen in MCS. Close out the existing EXR protective writing by including a closeout statement in the remarks on the initial claim application.

2. Claimant chooses to file for EXR

If the claimant is not eligible, but chooses to file for EXR, take the following steps:

  • Obtain a form SSA-371- Request for Reinstatement for Title II;

  • Establish the EXR event in the DCF, per DI 13010.610;

  • Establish the EXR case in EDCS;

    • Select “Claims Action” on the EDCS tool bar at the top of the screen and then select “Add FO Determination”;

    • Select “No Determination” and reason "Misc Clearance";

    • Add the reason for denial in remarks. Example: EXR Tech Denial-SGA; and

    • Select “OK” at the bottom of the screen;

  • Document the reason the claimant is ineligible for EXR on an SSA-553-Special Determination, or an SSA-5002 - Report of Contact and store in eView or Evidence Portal (EP) along with any supporting documentation;

  • Terminate provisional benefits, if started. For termination instructions see, DI 13050.025;

  • If there is Medicare entitlement, refer to DI 13050.070;

  • Close the EXR event on the DCF. On the IFOA screen, select 5=SSR/MBR/STOP CDR for the clearance reason.

  • Send an EXR denial notice to the claimant and any appropriate third party and store a copy in ORS. Title II EXR denial notices are available in DPS. Include Medicare information as appropriate.

E. Procedure for Title XVI technical denial

1. Claimant chooses to file a new initial claim

Document the reason the claimant decided to file a new initial claim instead of an EXR request on the Report of Contact page. Close out the existing EXR protective writing by including a closeout statement in the remarks on the initial claim application.

2. Claimant chooses to file for EXR

If the claimant is not eligible for, but chooses to file for EXR, take the following steps:

  • Obtain a form SSA-372, Request for Reinstatement for Title XVI;

  • Establish the EXR event in the DCF, per DI 13010.610;

  • Establish the EXR case in EDCS;

    • Select “Claims Action” on the EDCS tool bar at the top of the screen and then select “Add FO determination and”;

    • Select “ No Determination” and the reason "Misc Clearance";

    • Add the reason for denial in remarks. Example: EXR Tech Denial-SGA; and

    • Select “OK” at the bottom of the screen;

  • Document the reason the claimant is ineligible for EXR on an SSA-553-Special Determination, or an SSA-5002 - Report of Contact and store in eView or Evidence Portal (EP) along with any supporting documentation;

  • Process the denial. Post payment status code N07 to the SSR, per SM 01701.080 and SM 01305.001O.6;

  • Terminate provisional benefits, if started. For termination instructions, see SM 01701.080;

  • Close the EXR event on the DCF. On the IFOA screen, select 5=SSR/MBR/STOP CDR for the clearance reason; and

  • Send a manual EXR denial notice to the claimant and any appropriate third party. Retain a copy of the notice in the file and fax into eView or Evidence Portal(EP).


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