DI 13501.000 General - VR

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 13501.001 The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program TN BASIC 03-86
DI 13501.005 The Social Security Act and Vocational Rehabilitation TN BASIC 03-86
DI 13501.010 DO/BO Explanation of VR Services TN BASIC 07-24
DI 13501.015 DO/BO Referral to VR for Postemployment Services TN BASIC 03-86
DI 13501.020 Coordination with Other Designated Agencies TN BASIC 07-24
DI 13501.025 Referral Procedure TN BASIC 03-86
DI 13501.030 Referral of Policy Issues to Office of Disability TN BASIC 03-86
DI 13501.035 Exhibit 1 - Form SSA-1407-U4 TN BASIC 03-86

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DI 13501.000 - General - VR - Table of Contents - 07/17/2024
Batch run: 07/17/2024