At the initial and reconsideration levels of the administrative review process, the
standard document is the Psychiatric Review Technique Form (PRTF) or an approved electronic
equivalent such as the Disability Case Processing System (DCPS).
The medical or psychological consultant (MC or PC) has overall responsibility for
assessing medical severity. The disability examiner may assist in preparing the PRTF.
However, the MC or PC must review and sign the document to attest that it is complete
and that they are responsible for its content, including the findings of fact and
any discussion of supporting evidence. The MC or PC must indicate whether the findings
on the PRTF complete the medical portion of the disability determination. The PRTF
does not complete the medical portion when an MRFC is needed or when the assessment
is preliminary, advisory, or partial.
For determinations that are less than fully favorable, the Disability Determination
Services (DDS) must make every reasonable effort to have the medical portion of the
case review conducted by a psychological consultant (a psychiatrist or psychologist).
In reconsideration determinations, a different MC or PC (other than the MC or PC who
signed the PRTF for the initial determination) may adopt the initial level PRTF without
completing a new PRTF if the evidence does not warrant change in the initial determination
in any way. Enter the following statement in Section IV (Consultant’s Notes) of the
initial level PRTF: “I have reviewed all the evidence in file, and the PRTF of (date)
is affirmed, as written.” This statement must be signed, dated, and annotated with
the specialty code by the MC or PC.
IMPORTANT: For EDCS reconsideration cases where the initial level PRTF can be adopted, complete
an SSA-416 with the following statement: "I have reviewed all the evidence in file,
and the PRTF prepared by (MC or PC) on (date) is affirmed, as written."
NOTE: An obsolete PRT may be completed when readjudicating a relevant prior time period.
Scenarios that permit use of an obsolete PRT include acquiescence ruling (AR) readjudications,
fraud or similar fault (FSF) redeterminations, and readjudications required by other
court cases. For more information about obsolete listings, see DI 34132.000).