TN 6 (06-23)

DI 33010.005 Scheduling, Postponing, Canceling or Changing Place of the Disability Hearing

Citations: 20 CFR 404.914, 404.936,416.1414,416.1436

The disability hearing unit (DHU) must send a hearing notice at least 20 days before the date of the scheduled hearing. However, the beneficiary (or recipient) can indicate, in a signed written statement, that they do not wish to receive this advance notice. Alternatively, the disability hearing officer (DHO) may ask the beneficiary (or recipient) whether they are willing to waive the right to advance notice.

A. Scheduling policy

1. Waiver of advance scheduling notice

a. Who can initiate a waiver of advance notice

A waiver of the advance notice of the hearing may be initiated by the beneficiary or recipient or in certain instances by the DHO.

NOTE: If, at the time the SSA-789 Request for Reconsideration-Disability Cessation Right to Appear is filed, the beneficiary (or recipient) wishes to waive the advance notice, the field office (FO) will obtain a written statement of the waiver from the beneficiary (or recipient).

b. Waiver initiated by the DHO

In certain instances, the DHO may ask whether the beneficiary (or recipient) and appointed representative are willing to waive the right to advance notice. It may be appropriate for the DHO to initiate the waiver to expedite the case, e.g., to accommodate travel or when an earlier hearing becomes available. When the DHO initiates the waiver:

  • The DHO must make it clear that the beneficiary (or recipient) should not waive their right to advance notice if they need additional time to prepare for the hearing, and

  • The beneficiary (or recipient) must sign a statement as shown in DI 33095.055 SSA-795 Statement of Claimant or Other Person, that includes the following language:

    "I have been advised of my right to be sent a notice of the time and place of my disability hearing at least 20 days before the date of my hearing. I have been advised that I should not give up this right, if I need additional time to prepare for the hearing. However, I am prepared to have my hearing on or after (insert date), and hereby knowingly and willingly give up my right to be sent the 20-day advance notice as cited in 20 CFR, sections 404.914(c)(1), and 416.1414(c)(1)."

2. When a hearing should be held

  1. a. 

    Generally, hold hearings within 25 to 30 days from receipt of the claims folder in the DHU with no case exceeding 90 days from the filing date. The filing date is the date SSA received the appeal, as indicated on the top of the SSA-789 Request for Reconsideration-Disability Cessation Right to Appear or on the Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS) generated printout.

  2. b. 

    The DHU will contact the disability determination services (DDS) for status on any case not received at least three weeks prior to the 90-day mark.

3. What to consider when scheduling hearings

  1. a. 

    Number of available DHOs and hearing rooms.

  2. b. 

    Expected productivity.

  3. c. 

    Amount of travel required.

  4. d. 

    Type of impairment.

  5. e. 

    Whether an interpreter is required.

4. What the schedule must allow

  1. a. 

    Time for beneficiary (or recipient), appointed representative and DHO review of the claims folder prior to the hearing.

  2. b. 

    The hearing itself.

  3. c. 

    Preparation of the determination.

B. Manner of appearance and scheduling

1. Manners available for an individual to appear at a disability hearing:

  • In person,

  • By video teleconference (VTC), or

  • By phone.

2. Preferred manners

  • The preferred manner for conducting hearings are in person or by VTC. See DI 33025.080 for VTC requirements.

  • DHOs may conduct hearings by phone only when extraordinary circumstances prevent the beneficiary (or recipient) from appearing in person or by VTC. See DI 33025.085.

3. Special considerations

  • Do not deny an individual a hearing because of geographic considerations. For cases involving beneficiaries (or recipients) who reside in foreign countries or who have a foreign address, see DI 33025.015.

  • Follow security guidelines in DI 39567.045 if an individual is banned from entering a Federal or Social Security facility or if the beneficiary (or recipient) threatened violence against the general public or agency personnel.

C. Scheduling a disability hearing when the individual is confined

A confined beneficiary (or recipient), i.e., incarcerated or institutionalized, has a right to a disability hearing. Once the individual has appealed the initial continuing disability review (CDR) determination, the DHO must make every reasonable effort to schedule a hearing, hear the case, and make a determination. Do not delay scheduling a hearing until after the confined beneficiary (or recipient) is released, and do not return the file to the FO because benefits are in suspense.

The right to a hearing also applies to appeals of Age 18 Redeterminations. Age 18 Redeterminations follow the appeal procedures for CDRs. FO policies in DI 13005.020E apply only if the initial CDR or Age 18 Redetermination has not been made and do not apply at the appeal level.

NOTE: Incarcerated or otherwise confined beneficiaries (or recipients) may be awaiting arraignment or trial, and there is no conviction yet. They may have other circumstances as the cause of their confinement, such as undergoing treatment in a highly structured setting for mental disorders or substance use disorders.

1. Confirming available means for conducting the hearing for confined individuals

  1. a. 

    The DHU must contact the confinement facility officials and confirm whether:

    • An in person hearing is permitted on the facility property;

    • VTC equipment is available for use to conduct a VTC hearing at the facility; OR

    • A phone is available for use by the confined beneficiary (or recipient) for a hearing by phone.

  2. b. 

    Document the folder with all attempts to determine the possibility of a hearing for a confined beneficiary (or recipient).

  3. c. 

    If the beneficiary (or recipient) has an appointed representative, verify whether an appointed representative is available to proceed with the disability hearing. Refer to DI 31001.001 for more information on representatives.

NOTE: A hearing is not necessary if the DHO can make a fully favorable determination with evidence in file or if the beneficiary (or recipient) has waived the right to a hearing as in DI 33015.021.

2. Deciding the means of appearance for a confined individual

Once the DHU confirms the means available for conducting the hearing, the DHO will decide and schedule the manner of appearance using guidance in DI 33010.005B. Although the preferred manners for conducting hearings are in person or by VTC, the DHO may schedule an individual to appear by phone when the individual’s confinement prevents them from appearing in person or by VTC. See DI 33025.085.

NOTE: A person who is confined may have one or more special handling considerations. Confinement alone does not constitute a special handling situation. If special handling considerations are present, follow guidance in DI 33015.021B.

3. No possibility of a hearing for a confined individual

When the confined individual does not have an appointed representative, the evidence in the file is insufficient to make a determination, and the DHO has made every reasonable effort, but cannot schedule a disability hearing, the DHO will:

  1. a. 

    Document attempts to schedule the hearing in the file,

  2. b. 

    Prepare a curtailed determination to continue the period of disability,

  3. c. 

    Enter "Prisoner Case- Resolution of continuing disability issue required upon reinstatement of benefits." in item 24 of the SSA-832 Cessation or Continuance of Disability or Blindness Determination an Transmittal—Title XVI or SSA-833 Cessation or Continuance of Disability or Blindness Determination an Transmittal—Title II, AND

  4. d. 

    Route the claim to the servicing FO at closure.

NOTE: This instruction also applies when there is no possibility of a hearing for a confined individual that has an appointed representative but the appointed representative is unable to proceed with the disability hearing. Document attempts to proceed with the appointed representative in the file.

D. Scheduling notice

The notice of the time and place of the hearing must be mailed at least 20 calendar days before the hearing. See DI 33010.005A for information on waiver of the advance notice.

  1. 1. 


    • an SSA-L951-U2/C2/SP letterhead for title II and concurrent title II/XVI cases,

    • an SSA-L8052-U2/C2 letterhead for title XVI cases, or

    • a State letterhead.

  2. 2. 

    Type “Important Information” as the third line of the letterhead when “three line letterhead” versions are used.

  3. 3. 

    See DI 33010.080 for language, which must be contained in the scheduling notice for domestic claims, and DI 33010.085 for the language, which must be contained in foreign claim cases.

  4. 4. 

    Send the notice to the beneficiary (or recipient) and their representative payee, when a legally competent adult has a representative payee.

  5. 5. 

    Send a copy of the notice to the beneficiary's (or recipient's) appointed representative, if applicable.

NOTE: The language referenced above is required regardless of whether the distance from the beneficiary's (or recipient's) residence (or place of entry into the U.S.) to the hearing site exceeds 75 miles.

E. Handling requests for postponements and changes in place of the disability hearing

1. Changes requested by the beneficiary (or recipient)

  1. a. 

    If the beneficiary (or recipient) is unable to travel or has some other reason why they cannot attend the hearing at the scheduled time or place, they should request, at the earliest possible date, that the time or place be changed.

  2. b. 

    A beneficiary (or recipient) may request a change using form SSA-769 Request for Change in Time/Place of Disability Hearing. The beneficiary (or recipient) may submit the request directly to the DHU or to the FO, which will send it to the DHU. See DI 12095.055 for information about form SSA-769 Request for Change in Time/Place of Disability Hearing.

  3. c. 

    Only a DHO, supervisory hearing officer (SHO) or the regional office (RO) has the authority to grant or deny a request for change in time or place of the hearing.

  4. d. 

    The DHO, SHO, or RO will change the time or place if there is good cause for doing so, taking into account any impact on the expeditious handling of the hearing.

  5. e. 

    Consider contacting the beneficiary (or recipient) in some circumstances to further explore the reason(s) for the request.

2. Beneficiary's (or recipient's) request denied

  1. a. 

    Deny the request in writing, include a brief explanation of the decision, and send a copy to the beneficiary (or recipient), appointed representative and representative payee, if any, and

  2. b. 

    Prepare an SSA-5002 Report of Contact and annotate actions taken and a brief reason for the denial.

3. Beneficiary's (or recipient's) request granted

a. If the request does not change the DHU:

  1. 1. 

    Send a new scheduling notice,

  2. 2. 

    Prepare an SSA-5002 Report of Contact and annotate actions taken and a brief reason for the approval, and

  3. 3. 

    Update the case control system.

b. If the request changes the DHU:

  1. 1. 

    Update the case control system, and

  2. 2. 

    Transfer the case to the new DHU, if applicable. The new DHU will schedule the hearing. See DI 33010.040.

4. Postponement requested by DDS or DHU

  1. a. 

    In some situations, the DDS may request the DHU to postpone a hearing because it is unable to complete its action on the case within its expected time frame.

  2. b. 

    In some situations, a DHO may postpone a hearing (e.g., when the DHO returns a case to the DDS for additional development).

  3. c. 

    Postpone the scheduled hearing and reschedule it f necessary.

5. Procedure to postpone or cancel the hearing

  1. a. 

    Revise the hearing schedule.

  2. b. 

    Notify the beneficiary (or recipient) and appointed representative of the postponement or cancellation and any subsequently rescheduled hearing.

  3. c. 

    Prepare the notice as above in DI 33010.005D.

  4. d. 

    The 20-day advance notice applies to rescheduled hearings.

  5. e. 

    See DI 33010.090 for notice language. See DI 33095.059 for the Spanish translation of that language.

F. Form Links

  • SSA-789 Request for Reconsideration - Disability Cessation Right to Appear

  • SSA-769 Request for Change in Time/Place of Disability Hearing

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