TN 3 (06-23)

DI 40501.005 The Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Process

The following seven steps outline the process when a CDR is initiated by a diary alert, or other issues are raised.

  1. 1. 

    Conduct a CDR at the appropriate time based on the established medical or work-related diary.

    See also:

    • DI 13001.005 Events That May Initiate a Continuing Disability Review (CDR)

    • DI 13010.023 Processing Center (PC) Responsibilities in Work Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs)

    • DI 26525.001 Scheduling Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) – General Policies

    • DI 28001.015 Events That May Initiate a Continuing Disability Review (CDR)

  2. 2. 

    Conduct a CDR when:

    • A diary is alerted,

    • An issue of medical improvement (MI) is raised, or

    • A work issue is raised and there is a medical improvement expected (MIE) diary.

    Regardless of the type, the CDR Enforcement Operations (CDREO) system generates many alerts in the PC. Alerts can come from other sources, including the automated or manual CDR mailer.

    For more information on handling diary alerts and exceptions to medical review, see:

    • DI 13010.012 Protection from Medical Review Based on Work Activity

    • DI 13010.023 Processing Center (PC) Responsibilities in Work

    Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs)

    • DI 13010.027 Continuing Disability Review Enforcement Operation (CDREO)

    • DI 55025.001 Determining Ticket Status

  3. 3. 

    Begin a medical or work-related CDR with a pre-review notice that explains the nature of the CDR, the possibility that the CDR could result in termination of benefits, and the beneficiary’s right to provide medical and other evidence.

    For exhibits of pre-review notices, see DI 13095.015 through DI 13095.055.

  4. 4. 

    Contact the beneficiary for:

    • Information on their medical condition;

    • Information on their work activity;

    • Additional information related to this case; and

    • Permission to contact medical sources

    For information on how to conduct personal contacts and exceptions to the personal contact, see:

  5. 5. 

    Obtain and evaluate medical and work evidence to determine status of the beneficiary’s disability and work history.

  6. 6. 

    Prepare a determination of continuance or cessation. If disability continues, establish a new diary.

  7. 7. 

    Notify the beneficiary of the results of the CDR determination. In medical cessation cases, notify the beneficiary of the right to appeal, and the right to benefit continuation during the appeal process.

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