Basic (02-06)

DI 80830.050 Initial Claims and Reconsideration Actions

A. Introduction

Most Title II eDib initial claims and reconsideration requests, like paper disability claims and reconsideration requests, are fully processed by the field offices through MCS. The following instructions cover those situations where manual processing through Manual Adjustment Credit and Award Process (MADCAP) is required using the A101 or EF 101.

NOTE: A limited category of disability claims are still non-DOFA (District Office Final Authorization), e.g., Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) disability claims, which are the jurisdiction of the Disability Processing Branch (DPB) in Great Lakes Program Service Center (GLPSC). The procedures for processing RRB disability initial claims and reconsideration actions are contained in DI 11050.000 and DI 44001.000 subchapters.

B. Initial Claims

1. Claims Processing

Initial eDib claims will be received in the Processing Center (PC) for manual effectuation through the A101 or EF 101 process.

NOTE: While the A101 and EF 101 will be receipted in the PC under the claim number, the electronic folder (EF) is established under the beneficiary’s own account number (BOAN).

  • A101s – A “stub” record will continue to be generated in the technician’s Paperless processing queue.

  • EF 101s – The EF 101 will continue to be faxed to the PC’s Paperless fax number.

The technician should review A101/EF 101 entries and remarks for needed PC actions, e.g., preparation of an attorney fee ACR. The technician must also be alert for entries and remarks which indicate the claim is fully electronic and accessing the electronic folder (EF) is required to obtain needed information (see DI 80830.010D. to access the electronic folder).

2. Electronic Folder (EF) Documentation

  • Any additional evidence or documentation required to process the disability award that should be retained will be faxed into the EF. See DI 80830.100 for faxing material to the EF and GN 01085.030D. for retention of documents.

  • The A101 will continue to be retained in the Online Retrieval System (ORS). The EF 101 will be faxed from the Paperless Processing Center (PPC) to the EF using the procedures in DI 80830.045.

  • The MADCAP Direct Data Entry (MACADE) input document and the MACADE Holding File (MHF) copy, are currently loaded to the Paperless Processing Center (PPC) system. Since this action is exclusive to the PCs it shall remain in the PPC and will not be sent to the EF.

C. Reconsideration Actions

  • Reconsideration disability actions will be received for manual processing in the same manner as initial claims. See DI 80830.050B.1.

  • EF folder documentation requirements for reconsideration actions are the same as those for initial claims. See DI 80830.050B.2.

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DI 80830.050 - Initial Claims and Reconsideration Actions - 04/07/2006
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