TN 5 (03-12)

SI 00604.092 Court Ordered Support: Question 56

A. Introduction

We exclude court ordered support payments as countable income when an ineligible spouse, ineligible parent, ineligible child or eligible alien makes the payments.

B. Procedure for completing question 56

Ask if the ineligible spouse, ineligible parent, ineligible child or eligible alien (sponsored by the ineligible spouse or parent) whose income is subject to deeming, makes support payments. For development of the exclusion from deemed income of support payments made under a court order or enforced under title IV-D, see SI 01320.145.

C. Reference

SI 01320.145 Deeming: Income Used to Comply With a Court Order for Support

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SI 00604.092 - Court Ordered Support: Question 56 - 03/28/2012
Batch run: 03/28/2012