TN 269 (12-24)

SI 00830.010 When to Count Unearned Income


A. When to count unearned income

Count unearned income in the earliest month it is:

  • received by the person;

  • credited to the person's account; or

  • set aside for the person's use.

B. When to count retroactive RSDI benefits

Count retroactive RSDI benefits paid in one lump sum as unearned income in the month payment is received.

C. Exceptions to counting income

1. Reissued conserved funds

Do not consider reissued conserved funds paid in a lump sum as unearned income in the month of re-issuance since such funds were previously considered in the month of original receipt, per SI 01120.022B.2.

2. Retroactive RSDI benefits paid for windfall offset months

We consider RSDI benefits paid for a month in which a person received an SSI payment (i.e., an offset month), including a federally administered State supplementary payment, as income in the month regularly due, not when received.

These benefits are considered when computing windfall offset per SI 02006.001.

Retroactive RSDI benefits paid for months outside an offset period are subject to the general policy in SI 00830.010A.


D. References

  • GN 02610.005, Introduction to Title II/Title XVI Windfall Offset

  • SI 00810.030, When Income is Counted

  • SI 01120.022, Conserved Funds When Formally Designated Agent Changes

  • SI 01130.600, Retroactive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Retirement, Survivors and Disability (RSDI) Payments

  • SI 02006.001,Windfall Offset Provisions

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