SI KC00830.404 SSI Income Policy and TANF Rate Changes (Transmittal 22)

A. Background

The purpose of this KC Regional POMS Supplement is to document the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) rate changes in Kansas, when a TANF recipient is awarded SSI benefits.

When the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) learns that SSI benefits are being awarded to a TANF recipient in a nonshared living arrangement, the agency changes the remaining TANF recipients in the household from a shared to a shared payment structure.

B. Policy

The Claims Representative should post the actual TANF benefits paid to the SSI recipient, deemor, and ineligible children. If SRS does not implement the rate changes timely, presume that the state agency will recoup the TANF overpayment, absent evidence to the contrary.


SI 00830.403

SI 00810.005

SI 00810.020

SI KC00830.403

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SI KC00830.404 - SSI Income Policy and TANF Rate Changes (Transmittal 22) - 04/07/2003
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