TN 227 (06-24)

SI 00830.535 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)


A. Introduction to the WIOA

Passed in 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) repealed the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. The WIOA was designed to strengthen and improve the national public workforce system, including by helping job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and by matching employers with the skilled workers they need. Most provisions of the WIOA took effect on July 1, 2015. Exceptions include the amendments to the Rehabilitation Act, which took effect on the date of enactment (July 22, 2014).

The WIOA strengthens and modernizes the existing workforce infrastructure and expands the requirements for State workforce systems and One-Stop Career Centers. The focus is to connect job seekers, particularly those experiencing barriers to employment, with education and training opportunities that provide them with skills to meet the hiring needs of employers. Several provisions of the WIOA provide increased emphasis on meeting the needs of youth and people with disabilities.

B. Types of WIOA Programs

The Department of Labor administers and funds WIOA initiatives. The programs supported with federal funding under the WIOA that may involve payments or assistance to SSI recipients and deemors are as follows:

1. Native American programs

Employment and training programs for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians' focus on developing academic, occupational, and literacy skills as well as entrepreneurial skills necessary for successful self-employment. For more information on special considerations for income to Native Americans, see SI 00830.800 through SI 00830.880.

2. Migrant and seasonal farmworker programs

Programs for migrant and seasonal farmworkers provide services including employment, training, educational and literacy assistance, pesticide and worker safety training, self-employment and micro-enterprise development, and technical education in occupations that will lead to higher wages.

The migrant and seasonal farmworker programs may also provide housing (including permanent housing) and supportive services. For more information on in-kind items provided as remuneration for employment, see SI 00820.010.

3. National dislocated worker grants

Grant programs assist workers affected by emergency or disaster situations, as well as major economic dislocations, such as plant closures, mass layoffs, or closures and realignments of military installations. Assistance may be in the form of employment and training activities and disaster relief employment for displaced workers.

4. Youth programs

The WIOA enacted a comprehensive youth employment program for serving eligible youth who face barriers to education and training. Two national programs that support youth are:

  • The YouthBuild program helps disadvantaged youth between ages 16 and 24, including opportunities for employment, education, leadership development and training. Participants help construct or rehabilitate housing for homeless individuals and low-income families in their communities.

  • The Job Corps program provides social, academic, and technical education in primarily residential centers to youth between ages 16 and 24. For more information on Job Corps, see SI 00830.536.

C. Policy for payments received under the WIOA

Any payments received under the WIOA are subject to the general rules pertaining to income and income exclusions. Income received through WIOA programs are in the form of wages, stipends, and incentive payments.  Some support received under the WIOA are in the form of supportive services such as childcare, transportation, medical care, meals, and other reasonable expenses, provided in cash or in-kind.

D. Procedure for determining participation in a WIOA program

Accept the applicant, recipient, deemor, or representative payee's allegation of participation in a WIOA program and the receipt of supportive services such as childcare, transportation, medical care, meals, and other reasonable expenses, provided in cash or in-kind, unless there is reason to question the information.

E. Procedure for determining countable income

Determine the type, amount, and frequency of the income the applicant, recipient, or deemor receives. Income received through WIOA programs, such as wages, stipends, incentive payments, etc., should be counted under the general rules of earned income.

Disregard any payments that represent supportive services without further development or documentation since supportive services such as those described in SI 00830.535A. of this section are assumed to be social services and not income. For more information on the exclusion of social services from income, see SI 00815.050D and SI 00815.050E.

F. References

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