TN 79 (10-18)

SI 00835.630 Use of Form SSA-8008, Living Arrangements/In-Kind Support and Maintenance Development Guide and Summary

A. Explanation of Form SSA-8008

Use Form SSA-8008 to:

  • summarize the determination(s) of a claimant’s living arrangements (LA),

  • identify chargeable inside or outside in-kind support maintenance (ISM), and

  • document any other ISM received.

This section describes the five parts of the SSA-8008. The SSA-8008 is an internal form, not for public use.

NOTE: The SSA-8008 is a developmental tool for adjudicators. It is not required in the file as documentation of the living arrangement.

B. Part I Living arrangement

This part identifies the various LA determinations accompanied by their respective Program Operations Manual System (POMS) references. The “FROM/THROUGH” block shows the month or months the particular LA basis applies.

Check block 13 and explain these situations on the reverse side.

C. Part II Inside ISM (subject to presumed maximum value (PMV)

Complete this part to record the total amount of chargeable ISM provided to the claimant from inside a household.



When item 9, 10, 11, or 12 from Part I applies, complete Part II. If applicable, when item 4 or 5 is checked,

always complete Part II

When item 9 from Part I is checked,

show only shelter expenses in item 2. Otherwise, show total household operating expenses.

When item 10 from Part I is checked (Sharing), that means there is no inside ISM.

Complete Part II – This summarizes the factors used to determine sharing on the record.

When item 12 from Part I is checked,(value of one-third reduction (VTR), that means there is inside ISM

Complete Part II – This summarizes the factors used to determine the VTR.

NOTE: If the VTR applies because the claimant alleges a zero or token contribution, enter the word “zero” or “token” in the contribution block in item 2 in Part II...

NOTE: If inside ISM is charged at either the value of the one-third reduction (VTR) or the PMV, there is no requirement to complete Parts III and IV.

D. Part III Outside ISM

Complete this part when the VTR is not applicable or we are charging less than the full PMV of inside ISM. ISM from outside a household takes on many forms. We have listed the five most common outside ISM situations on the form.

E. Part IV Other ISM

Use this part to record ISM that is neither inside, nor outside. For example, record “ISM to one person” received by members of the household. For information on in-kind support and maintenance (ISM) to one person, see SI 00835.400.

F. Part V Summary

Use the summary section to total the actual values of ISM subject to the PMV rule.

Additional Information

Use this section to record State supplement calculations, State LA determinations, or complex ISM calculations, such as those involving conversions. For information on ISM and Household Conversions, see SI 00835.470.

G. Reference

OS 15030.250 SSA-8008, Living Arrangements, In-Kind Support and Maintenance Development Guide and Summary (for Internal Use Only)

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SI 00835.630 - Use of Form SSA-8008, Living Arrangements/In-Kind Support and Maintenance Development Guide and Summary - 11/17/2011
Batch run: 10/17/2018