TN 12 (08-00)

SI 01150.113 Initial Claim with Period of Ineligibility and Disability Determination Not Required

A. Introduction

The procedures in this section apply only to initial claims if:

  • A transfer of resources occurred on or after 12/14/99;

  • A period of ineligibility exists based on the transfer of resources;

  • The individual does not meet one of the transfer exceptions listed in SI 01150.121-SI 01150.125; and

  • A disability determination by the DDS is not required (e.g., an aged claim or a Title 2 adoption).

B. Procedure—determining allowance or denial

1. Undue Hardship Exists Within 2 Months of Filing Date

Follow the instructions in SI 01150.126 to determine whether the individual meets the requirements to receive SSI based on undue hardship in the month of filing or the following 2 months.

Process the claim as an allowance if the individual can receive an SSI payment based on the undue hardship exception for at least 1 month in this 3-month period.

2. Period of Ineligibility Ends Within 2 Months of Filing Date

Process the claim as an allowance if the period of ineligibility caused by the resource transfer ends in the month of filing or in the following 2 months.

3. No SSI Payable Within 2 Months of Filing Date

Process the claim as a denial if there is no SSI eligibility in the month of filing or the following 2 months.

C. Systems input

Follow the systems instructions in SI 01150.112D.

D. Procedure—notices

Prepare a manual award or denial notice for these cases. See SI 01150.150 for instructions on preparing the manual notice.

E. References

Exceptions to the period of ineligibility, SI 01150.120

Undue hardship, SI 01150.126

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SI 01150.113 - Initial Claim with Period of Ineligibility and Disability Determination Not Required - 08/23/2000
Batch run: 12/16/2024