SI CHI01415.001 (MI) Michigan State Supplementation

See SI 01415.001

A. General

  1. 1. 

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers Michigan's mandatory supplement, as well as, optional supplement (OS) codes D (domiciliary care), E (personal care), and F (home for the aged). There are no special (e.g., durational) state residency requirements.

  2. 2. 

    Cross References for Additional Supplementation Information

    • SI 01410.050 for instructions on determining the state of residence

    • SI 02005.001 regarding computations

    • SM 01005.317 and SM 01301.505 - SM 01301.600 for systems instructions

B. Special State Authorized Supplements: Optional Supplementation Involving Level of Care Determinations

1. Background

The State is responsible for supplying level of care (LOC) determinations for OS codes D, E, and F; all are applied to Federal living arrangement (FLA) code A.

SSA begins the process of applying one of the above OS codes by determining that the SSI applicant/recipient is in Federal living arrangement A because they reside in a facility that is private and non-medical. This is determined through facility precedent information maintained by the servicing FO. If the facility is multipurpose, verification of the section in which the recipient resides must be made.

2. Certification

LOC determinations may be made by the Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS), Department of Community Health (DCH), or private firms subcontracted by DCH after placement of the individual in a facility. DHS is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on all LOC certification forms, even if the determination is made by another agency.

The Exhibit contains a copy of the Form DHS-3471 (DHA/SSA Referral, Michigan Department of Human Services), that is used to notify the FO about the LOC certification. This form is to be considered a protective filing for SSI. Follow SI 00601.005 and GN 00204.001 for procedures used in protective filing situations.

The LOC determination is found under block 18, Part A, Authorization of Level of Care on the DHS-3471. The determination must be made by one of the authorized agencies after the individual enters the facility. In some cases, a person not currently under a certifying agency's jurisdiction may inquire about becoming eligible for one of these supplements. If such an inquiry is received, the FO should initiate a request to the authorizing agency, as appropriate. The FO may also initiate a request if it considers an individual potentially eligible for one of these supplements. No documentation regarding the referral, or the decision whether to refer, is required.

FO staff should be knowledgeable on the local organizations (those agencies shown above) in their service area authorized to make LOC determinations.

NOTE: Follow adult procedures (i.e., verification through the local agency) when children are 17 1/2 years of age. DHS considers an individual to be an adult at this age.

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