TN 9 (02-24)

NL 00755.700 Fugitive Felon/Probation or Parole Violator Beneficiary Inadvertently Suspended Paragraphs

NOTE: Refer to the chart for the action required.

Court Case


Martinez Settlement

On April 1, 2009, SSA changed its policy of not paying fleeing felons. Follow the instructions below only for felony warrants with offense codes 4901, 4902, or 4999. Follow the Martinez settlement instructions in GN 02613.860 through GN 02613.885 for all other felony warrant codes.

Clark Court Order

On May 9, 2011, SSA changed its policy and no longer suspends or denies benefits or payments based solely on a probation or parole violation warrant (i.e., warrants with offense codes 5011, 5012, 8101, 8102, or 9999 or “Blank” and an offense charge symbol of “probation or parole violation”). Follow the Clark Court Order instructions in GN 02615.100 through GN 02615.190 for all probation or parole violation warrants.

We will make additional changes to this section, as necessary, in the future.

A. Procedure - Timely Protest to Suspension Was Received by SSA During the Due Process Period-Fugitive Felon Suspension Inadvertently Begun-Resumption Notice is Required

Instances may occur, where the beneficiary was sent a Fugitive Felon Advance Notice of Proposed Suspension and the beneficiary protested timely within the 10 day or 30 day due process period. However, SSA did not act on the protest timely and the beneficiary inadvertently went into fugitive felon or probation or parole violator suspension status.

Because the beneficiary protested during their appropriate due process period, SSA must resume benefits to the beneficiary until a decision has been made by SSA on the beneficiary’s protest to the fugitive felon suspension. SSA will send the beneficiary a resumption notice with an additional paragraph to explain the inadvertent suspension of benefits.

NOTE: For manually prepared notices if the individual is blind or visually impaired, see instructions at NL 01001.010 for more information on the special blind or visually impaired notice options.

B. Procedure - Paragraph to Use on the Resumption Notice When The Beneficiary is Inadvertently Suspended

1. DPS (FO Notice Preparation) Inadvertently Suspended Paragraph


Description of Paragraph

Use of Paragraph


Title II Inadvertently Suspended Paragraph)

(See NL 00755.900F.2. for paragraph.)

Use this paragraph when the beneficiary was inadvertently suspended. The beneficiary protested timely during their fugitive felon due process period, however, SSA did not act correctly on the protest and SSA inadvertently suspended Title II benefits

2. AURORA (PC/OCO-ODO Notice Preparation) Inadvertently Suspended Paragraph


Description of Paragraph

Use of Paragraph


Title II Inadvertently Suspended Paragraph)

(See NL 00755.900F.2. for paragraph.)

Use this paragraph when the beneficiary was inadvertently suspended. The beneficiary protested timely during their fugitive felon due process period, however, SSA did not act correctly on the protest and SSA inadvertently suspended Title II benefits

C. Exhibits - Samples of Resumption Notice For The Inadvertently Suspended Beneficiary

Social Security Administration

Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Notice of Change in Benefits


                                                                             Claim Number: XXX-XX-XXXXA


Debra Echkart

4023 Perry Court

Danielsville, PA 18038




We are writing to give you new information about the retirement benefits which you receive on this Social Security record.


We can pay you beginning July 2005.


What We Will Pay

  • You will soon receive a payment for $700, which is the money you are due through July 2005.

  • After that you will receive $ 700 on or about the third of each month.

You asked us to consider your request for good cause for not satisfying your outstanding warrant. While we review your request, we are sending you the money we withheld for July 2005. If we later find that we cannot grant you good cause for not satisfying your outstanding arrest warrant, you will have to pay back this money.


If You Have Any Questions

If you have any questions, you may call us at 1-800-2345-SSA. We can answer most questions over the phone. You can also write any Social Security office. The office that serves your area is located at:

Social Security

41 N 4th St.

Allentown, PA 18102


If you do call or visit an office, please have this letter with you. It will help us answer your questions. Also, if you plan to visit an office, you may call ahead to make an appointment at the office. This will help us serve you more quickly when you arrive at the office

NOTE: The general referral paragraph and the appropriate signature are also required for the notice. See NL 00601.040 for additional paragraphs required on post-entitlement notices; e.g., Medicare paragraphs, etc. See NL 00601.003 for name and signature requirements on notices.

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NL 00755.700 - Fugitive Felon/Probation or Parole Violator Beneficiary Inadvertently Suspended Paragraphs - 02/27/2024
Batch run: 02/21/2025