TN 4 (02-95)

NL 00803.015 SSA-L8155-U2, SSI Notice of Planned Action

A. Description of the SSA-L8155-U2

The SSA-L8155-U2 notifies the recipient of a planned reduction, suspension, or termination of future SSI payments. It gives the reason for the adverse action, the recipient's appeal rights and payment continuation rights through the first level of appeal.

B. Policy

A recipient must receive an SSA-L8155 at least 10 days before SSA takes an adverse action. Allow an additional 5 days for mailing if you prepare an SSA-L8155-U2 manually and mail it to the recipient.

EXCEPTIONS: This rule does not apply to:

  • SSA-L8155-U2's based on the field office (FO) development of computer matching data. We must give a recipient/1619(b) participant a 30-day advance notice of any adverse action based on match data that he/she has not confirmed. See notice language in NL 00804.250 and instructions in SI 02310.005D.3.

  • Receipt of duplicate checks.

C. Process

The system generates an SSA-L8155 for most posteligibility events that will result in a payment reduction, suspension or termination: and,

  • Affects at least one future month's payment; or

  • Affects at least one future month's payment as well as eligibility and /or payments for past months.

D. Procedure

1. Manual SSA-L8155-U2

  1. a. 

    Refer to SM 01305.530 for a list of situations requiring a manual SSA-L8155-U2.

  2. b. 

    When a recipient meets the criteria in NL 00601.600 for receiving a Spanish-language notice, attach an SSA-L8155-CL-SP, Spanish-language cover letter, to the SSA-L8155-U2.

2. Preventing Future Month Overpayments

If you input data to reduce the next month's check after the Goldberg-Kelly cutoff and through the recurring (Treasury) tape cutoff (the Goldberg-Kelly temporary period):

  • Issue a manual SSA-L8155-U2; and

  • Input the adverse event and due process data following the instructions in SM 01305.530 to prevent an overpayment next month.

    NOTE: The system will issue an SSA-L8155 to reduce benefits 2 months later if you do not include due process data. Use of the NP field will not suppress a system-generated SSA-L8155 during the Goldberg-Kelly temporary period. Exception: The system will issue an SSA-L8155 to reduce the next month's benefit when the record is changing to S06, S07, S08, or N19 during the GK temporary period. DO NOT suppress these notices.

3. Force Pay Cases

Always prepare the SSA-L8155-U2 manually when you use force pay or when a force flag is on the record.

4. Underpayment After First Day Of Month Preceding Reduction Month

Issue a manual SSA-L8155-U2 when an event occurs that could reduce the amount of a recipient's SSI payment and you have determined that:

  • An underpayment is involved after the first day of the month used for the adverse comparison; and

  • The event is adverse per SM 01305.530K.

5. Record Is In Payment Status S06, S07, or S08

Issue a manual SSA-L8155-U2 when:

  • You change payment status S06, S07, or S08 to payment status C01 or N01 through N54; and

  • The new payment amount due is less than the last monthly benefit amount; and

  • You input the action during the Goldberg-Kelly temporary period.

NOTE: Failure to issue a manual notice and input required due process data results in a system-generated notice and an extra month's payment at the old rate.

6. Failure to Provide Information in Computer Matching Cases

Issue a manual SSA-L8155-U2 when a recipient fails to provide information concerning computer matching per SI 02310.042 B ff.

E. References

  • When to prepare a manual notice for adverse actions - SM 01305.530.

  • Notice language for 1619(b) participants who lose 1619(b) status when computer matching income is posted - NL 00804.250.

  • Computer matching - SI 02310.005

  • Force pay - SM 01701.001.

  • Receipt of multiple checks and notice language - SI 02301.315

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NL 00803.015 - SSA-L8155-U2, SSI Notice of Planned Action - 02/16/1995
Batch run: 02/13/2025