The recipient began to receive income based on need last month and also receives a
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) pension. The recipient has an overpayment that
we are in the process of recovering. There will still be an overpayment balance remaining
after the next check is issued.
The recipient's ineligible spouse receives title II income and a DVA pension based
on need. Because the spouse receives a DVA pension based on need, the spouse's income
does not affect the payment. As a result, the notice gives only the amount of the
spouse's total income along with a statement that this income does not affect the
recipient's payment.
NOTE: We included the numbers of the paragraphs we used in this notice in the left margin.
Example: Completed Field Office Manually Prepared Versions of the SSA-L8155-U2
Example: Completed Field Office Manually Prepared Version of the SSA-L8155-U2
Example - Completed Field Office Manually Prepared Version of the SSA-L8155-U2