The PEN2 screen of POS has been modified to reflect nonreceipt reporting policy changes
as a result of the court-approved Robinson/Reyf Settlement Agreement (GN 02406.002).
Below is a description of the relationship between the nonreceipt selections on the
PEN2 screen and the stop code that results from the input. Although this is a title
II screen only, the “new definition” of the A, B, and C stop codes also applies to title XVI nonreceipt (see also GN 02406.001 and GN 02406.125A.2.):
NRT 1 = |
Nonreceipt of recurring or PMA check (loss, theft, or destruction of an unendorsed
check). B-Stop. Courtesy disbursement check will be issued before the status of the original check is known. Most nonreceipt allegations will fall into this category.
NRT 2 = |
Nonreceipt of recurring check. C-Stop. SSA wants the status of the original check
reviewed before a replacement check is issued. Use when (1) claimant is known to have misused the nonreceipt reporting process OR
(2) claimant is “unsure” if check was received; i.e., wants to confirm whether the check(s) was cashed before
filing nonreceipt (GN 02406.002B.7, GN 02406.150).
The beneficiary reports being unsure if he received several checks within the last
12 months. This is a situation where we want to know the status of the checks in question
before replacing them.
NRT 3 = |
Mass Loss. A-stop. DT will issue a courtesy disbursement check. See GN 02406.700 for instructions regarding true mass loss situations.
The A-stop should also be used for nonreceipt of title XVI type 2, 4 and 9 payments). However,
the A-stop does not initiate a courtesy disbursement for these cases (A-stop is not
converted to a B-stop). Therefore, the FO must issue an immediate AOTP (unless abuse
is apparent, see GN 02406.205D. and GN 02406.207B.) and an IP if dire need is involved (GN 02406.205, GN 02406.207).
NRT 4 = |
Loss, theft, or destruction of endorsed check. G-Stop. Although claimant has signed the check, if it has not been presented for payment,
DT will return the credit and SSA will reissue the check. If the check is later presented
for payment, FMS will debit SSA and send a claims package to SSA.
For further explanation of nonreceipt input types, see SM 00609.215C.