RS 01402.000 Wage Exclusions

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RS 01402.001 Wage Exclusions General Information TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.005 Plan Established By the Employer TN 32 06-24
RS 01402.010 Salary Reduction Agreement TN 33 06-24
RS 01402.020 Agricultural Labor TN 34 06-24
RS 01402.025 Seasonal Agricultural Labor TN 27 05-12
RS 01402.030 General Cafeteria Plans TN 27 05-12
RS 01402.035 Cafeteria Plans Before January 1, 1984 TN 25 03-12
RS 01402.036 Cafeteria Plans Beginning January 1, 1984 TN 25 03-12
RS 01402.038 Tax-Favored Health Plans TN 27 05-12
RS 01402.040 Fringe Benefits TN 25 03-12
RS 01402.045 De Minimus Fringe TN 24 03-12
RS 01402.050 Fringe Benefits Prior to January 1, 1985 TN 24 03-12
RS 01402.051 Fringe Benefits Beginning January 1, 1985 TN 27 05-12
RS 01402.060 Company Car Provided as a Fringe Benefit TN 27 05-12
RS 01402.065 Gyms and Other Athletic Facilities as a Fringe Benefit TN 27 05-12
RS 01402.070 No Additional Cost Service - A Fringe Benefit TN 28 05-12
RS 01402.075 Qualified Employee Discount - A Fringe Benefit TN 28 05-12
RS 01402.080 Working Condition Fringe TN 28 05-12
RS 01402.085 Employer Provided Parking TN 29 12-12
RS 01402.090 Sick and Disability Payments TN 29 12-12
RS 01402.095 Medical and Hospital Expenses TN 29 12-12
RS 01402.100 Tax-Exempt Trust & Other Plans - General TN 19 11-97
RS 01402.105 Annuity Or Bond Purchase Plan TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.110 Employer Pick-Up Plans TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.115 Exempt Governmental Deferred Compensation Plan TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.120 Federal Thrift Savings Plan TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.125 Profit-Sharing Or Stock Bonus Plan TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.130 Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) Plan TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.135 Supplemental Retirement Plan TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.140 Tax-Exempt Trust TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.145 Tax-Sheltered Annuities - General TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.205 Awards - Wages TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.210 Disabled Beneficiary Payments TN 21 01-98
RS 01402.215 Domestic Services - 1993 And Earlier TN 30 10-23
RS 01402.216 Domestic Services - 1994 And Later TN 21 01-98
RS 01402.220 Educational And Dependent Care Assistance Programs TN 21 01-98
RS 01402.225 Employee Tax Payments And Other Deductions TN 14 12-93
RS 01402.230 Homeworker Services TN 12 02-92
RS 01402.235 Wages - Legal Services (Group) Plan TN 12 02-92
RS 01402.240 Meals And Lodging TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.245 Moving Expenses TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.250 Noncash Payments - General TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.255 Wages - Nonprofit Organization TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.265 Scholarship And Fellowship Grants TN 13 06-92
RS 01402.270 Services Not In The Course Of The Employer's Trade Or Business TN 13 06-92
RS 01402.280 Tips - General TN 31 10-23
RS 01402.290 Wages Paid After Retirement Age For Nonwork Periods TN 13 06-92
RS 01402.295 Workers' Compensation (WC) Payments TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.300 Termination Of Employment - General TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.305 Payments Upon Death TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.310 Wages Paid After Death TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.320 Retirement And Pre-Retirement Pay Criteria TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.324 Retirement Benefits On Account Of Disability TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.325 Retirement Pay Before January 1, 1984 TN 24 03-12
RS 01402.326 Retirement Pay - Beginning January 1, 1984 TN 10 09-90
RS 01402.400 Payments That Are Not Wages TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.410 Court Award or Judgment TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.420 Health Professions Scholarship Program TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.430 Purchase of Contract Payments Definition TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.440 Definition of Strike Benefits TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.450 Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plans TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.460 Trade Adjustment Assistance Program TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.470 Uniform Allowances TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.480 Veterans' Training Pay TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.485 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Incentive Therapy (IT) and Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) Programs. TN 26 05-12
RS 01402.490 Military Differential Pay TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.500 Payments under Federally Sponsored Programs TN 23 06-10
RS 01402.510 Tolerance Rule for Developing Questionable Pay TN 23 06-10

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