TN 16 (11-23)

SI 02004.130 Field Office Procedures for SSI Immediate Payments

A. Processing SSI immediate payments (IPs)

Follow the steps below to process SSI IPs:




Is a financial emergency or a potential public relations problem involved and all avenues to resolve the emergency have been exhausted?

If yes, go to step 2.

If no, STOP. Explain no IP can be paid.


Is an SSI EAP barred?

If yes, go to step 3.

If no, follow SI 02004.010 to make an EAP.


Has SSI eligibility been established?

If yes, go to step 4.

If no, and if Title II entitlement is established and there is unpaid Title II money due, evaluate for a Title II IP (see RS 02801.010).


Is an IP appropriate? Is it an initial, delayed, interrupted payment or nonreceipt case?

If yes, go to step 5.

If no, explain why an IP cannot be made and pay any SSI due by A-OTP, M-OTP and/or expedite to put case in regular payment immediately.


Obtain authority for an IP from field office (FO) management. If a concurrent Title II/Title XVI case, evaluate per SI 02004.120 to decide from which program to issue the IP. Is a Title XVI IP payable?

  • If yes, go to step 6.

  • If no, take required actions to immediately process the case into regular payment or evaluate for a Title II IP (RS 02801.010).

NOTE: The 30-day limit on issuing subsequent IPs no longer applies. However, ALL criteria must continue to be met for a second IP to be issued within 30 days.


Determine the IP amount.


To process and pay the Title XVI IP, the FO must:

  • Select the Special Payments Menu (UPSP) in Direct SSR Update in MSSICS path, select payment function “Establish” and payment type “2” Immediate Payment.

  • Enter the information on the UPIP screen and check the simulated SSR (SSIM) to make sure the APM field on the SSR shows the IP posted correctly. Enter through the SSIM to the MSSI screen.

  • Management approval must be entered by selecting "Approve" function "4" on the UPSP screen (approval must come from a different PIN and password than the one used to "establish" the IP).

  • The person who established the IP should select payment function “5” “Transmit” and payment type “2” Immediate Payment from the UPSP.

NOTE: Payment information MUST be keyed into the Title XVI MSSICS, approved and transmitted PRIOR to cashier opening TPPS which imports draft data and printing of draft.

  • Enter the BTCF screen and select “Send Data to the SSR.” See MS 00303.009 and MS 00303.007.

  • Print a copy of the SSIM to verify the IP was posted.

  • The cashier will retrieve the information by entering the TPPS Main Menu. After the cashier retrieves the IP information, the cashier will enter “Y” from SAVE/CONFIRM Print Preview screen and the draft will be printed from TPPS.

  • Have the recipient or representative payee sign the SSA-8102 (Advance Payment Receipt and Notice).

  • Give the recipient or representative payee the SSI IP and the copy marked “Claimant” of the Form SSA-8102.

  • Print a SSID the following day to confirm the IP was posted.

  • Once the IP has been posted to the SSR, the SSA-8102 and the SSID are retained as documentation in the TPPS file only.

  • The cashier ensures that the CS/CSR initial all copies of the TPD to indicate its receipt.


NOTE: If case is not in C01, E01, M01 or M02, expedite all actions needed to begin/resume payments under systems control.

NOTE: In the “rare” situation when IP information is not transmitted to the TPPS/SSR via the UPIP/UPSP screens (i.e., MSSICS malfunction, natural disaster) and the IP is not posted timely, the IP must be treated as an overpayment and subject to overpayment processing (see SI 02220.001).

B. Procedure - Documentation

1. Verification of IP Status - Concurrent Cases

In concurrent cases, obtain a Critical Payment System (CPS) record by requesting an MBR per RS 02803.050 and SM 00635.605 and review the PAY HIST line of the CPS record to determine if a Title II IP was made. If one was made, it is not appropriate to make a Title XVI IP unless the FO is required to pay a combined Title II and Title XVI IP as explained in SI 02004.120A.2. or if the individual is in dire need and ALL other criteria are met for another IP to be paid. Place the CPS data in the SSI folder.

2. Special Payments Menu (UPSP)

Use the Special Payments Menu (UPSP) in the Direct SSR Update in MSSICS to select the immediate payment screen (UPIP). This is a 3-step process:

  • Establishing;

  • Approving; and

  • Transmitting the information to build the SSR.


The FO MUST transmit the information to the SSR. All actions must be completed on the same day. If the IP data is not established, approved, and transmitted to the SSR on the same day, the IP data will be dropped from the MSSICS holding file, will not be sent to TPPS, and will not be sent to the SSR in the overnight batch process. See MS 00303.010.

3. Processing of the IP

There are no exceptions to exceed the $2,000.00 Title XVI or $5,000.00 Title II IP limits. Cashiers are instructed to report Title XVI IPs in excess of $2,000.00 or Title II IPs in excess of $5,000.00 to the FO manager. The FO manager is personally responsible for insuring that the $2,000.00 Title XVI and $5,000.00 Title II IP limits are not exceeded.

NOTE: The TPPS will not issue Title XVI IPs over $2,000.00, or Title II IPs over $5,000.00 in offices with dedicated laser printers.

Once the UPIP screen has been completed and the information transmitted to build the SSR, the information will be sent to the TPPS data base. The cashier MUST retrieve the data by going to “11=Generate Draft from Title II/Title XVI” option on the TPPS Main Menu.

The cashier reviews the information in the TPPS system. The cashier will enter “Y” from the Save Confirmation/Print Preview screen and print the check. The cashier will return the Third Party Draft (TPD), and any attachments to the CS/CSR. The cashier ensures that the CS/CSR initial the TPD to indicate its receipt.

When a manual check is written, the information must be retrieved from the TPPS data base.

4. Completion and Distribution of SSA-8102

a. Use of Form

Before releasing the TPD, record receipt of the IP on Form SSA-8102, (Advance Payment Receipt and Notice). This form is available electronically to FOs through the inForm application. (Exhibit in SI 02004.060) If each member of a couple receives an IP, use a separate Form SSA-8102 for each.

b. Completion

The CSR or CS will print an original and two copies of the form and complete as follows:

  • Enter the name and SSN of the claimant.

  • Check the “Immediate Payment” block, and enter the TPD amount.

  • Obtain the recipient’s or the representative payee’s signature, enter the date of receipt of the TPD, and give the claimant or representative payee the copy marked “Claimant” as a notice and for their record.

  • Retain the original in the TPPS file.

5. Posting Title II IP to the SSR

A Title II IP should be posted when the Critical Payment System (CPS) interfaces with the SSR as unearned income. See SM 01325.030 for instructions on posting this income when the Critical Payment System (CPS) interface does not take place.

C. Procedure — Stop Payment, Remarks, Nonreceipt and Other Actions

See GN 02406.125D, GN 02406.205 and GN 02406.207 for additional steps that may be required when issuing an IP in a nonreceipt situation.

D. References

  • Stop Payments, SM 01315.134

  • Nonreceipt, GN 02406.125; GN 02406.205 through GN 02406.207

  • Special Payments Menu (UPSP), MS 00303.007

  • Emergency Advance Payment (UPEP), MS 00303.008

  • Immediate Payment (UPIP), MS 00303.009

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