There are no exceptions to exceed the $2,000.00 Title XVI or $5,000.00 Title II IP
limits. Cashiers are instructed to report Title XVI IPs in excess of $2,000.00 or
Title II IPs in excess of $5,000.00 to the FO manager. The FO manager is personally
responsible for insuring that the $2,000.00 Title XVI and $5,000.00 Title II IP limits
are not exceeded.
NOTE: The TPPS will not issue Title XVI IPs over $2,000.00, or Title II IPs over $5,000.00
in offices with dedicated laser printers.
Once the UPIP screen has been completed and the information transmitted to build the SSR, the information
will be sent to the TPPS data base. The cashier MUST retrieve the data by going to “11=Generate Draft from Title II/Title XVI” option
on the TPPS Main Menu.
The cashier reviews the information in the TPPS system. The cashier will enter “Y”
from the Save Confirmation/Print Preview screen and print the check. The cashier will
return the Third Party Draft (TPD), and any attachments to the CS/CSR. The cashier
ensures that the CS/CSR initial the TPD to indicate its receipt.
When a manual check is written, the information must be retrieved from the TPPS data