Input an S0 suspension using the CDIB work suspension input in POS and add a special
message to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) stating why you are inputting the suspense.
The CDIB suspense input results in a S0 suspense code on the MBR which is effective
with the current operating month (COM). Use the CDIB suspension action for POS exceptions as an interim step to prevent further
months of improper payments. For more information on SO suspension, see MSOM COMMON 005.008 and SM 03020.050.
FO technicians should use discretion when utilizing the CDIB input and carefully follow
the CDIB input procedure.
Use the CDIB input ONLY when ALL three conditions exist:
the final action is an ongoing suspension or termination;
a final determination notice has NOT been sent.
NOTE: See the “Adjudicative Forms” screen on eWork. If this screen only shows a “Due Process”
notice, then we did not issue a final determination notice If this screen shows both
a Due Process notice and a Decision Notice, then a final determination notice has
been produced by eWork, and the case is not a candidate for SO suspension by FO direct
input to POS.
the MBR verifies the claimant is in current pay.
After completing the suspension input, check to make sure the MBR updates and correctly
shows LAF S0 effective with the COM in which the S0 suspension processes through POS.
NOTE: The FO may also have to reinstate benefits from a suspense status code of S0, to
a current pay (ledger account file (LAF) C) status code on the MBR (i.e., the beneficiary
works SGA and non-SGA months in the extended period of eligibility (EPE). When a beneficiary
has some months of SGA, and some months of non-SGA during the EPE, the reinstatement
action may “except,” and the Benefit Authorizer (BA) from the PC takes the necessary
action to reinstate benefits. For detailed information on reinstating benefits from
an SO input, see SM 03020.050 and MSOM COMMON 005.008.