The quality of the collateral evidence sent to the CE source is more important than
the quantity of information. Send the CE source longitudinal information relevant
to the reason for the examination requested. Longitudinal evidence is particularly
critical for cases involving mental impairments. In some cases, requests for lab work,
x-rays, and other diagnostic studies without an examination may not require background
information. However, send the background information to the CE source when it provides
context to a particular diagnostic study, such as the claimant’s most recent cardiac
consultation when ordering a treadmill exercise test.
Examples of information you might consider sending a CE source include relevant medical
evidence including any medical opinion(s) or forms completed by the claimant or others,
such as the SSA-3373 Function Report - Adult.
NOTE: Comply with State law governing the release of information. Do not offer any opinion,
implied or stated, about the severity of the claimant’s impairment(s), or make any
statement or comment that would be prejudicial to the claimant.