TN 4 (07-24)

DI 55002.030 Handling Non-Receipt, Lost Ticket, and Ticket Non-Selection Questions

A. Procedure – determine whether beneficiary's/recipient's record was selected for a ticket

Field Components should get a “Ticket to Work Query” (DI 55002.025B) or a “General Ticket Query” (DI 55002.025C) and determine the beneficiary's/recipient's ticket eligibility status when a question arises about the non-receipt of a ticket, a lost ticket, or why a beneficiary/recipient was not selected for a ticket.

1. Query shows beneficiary/recipient was selected to receive a ticket

When the query shows the beneficiary/recipient was selected to receive a ticket, follow the instructions in:

  • DI 55002.030B if the query also shows that the ticket has not been mailed yet.

  • DI 55002.030C if the query also shows that the ticket has been mailed.

2. Query shows beneficiary/recipient was not selected to receive a ticket

a. FO and PC action

When the query shows that the beneficiary/recipient was not selected to receive a ticket (see DI 55002.060B.2. for situations in which the FO will issue a ticket), the FO or PC should try to determine why (see DI 55002.035). Then, as appropriate, the FO or PC should:

  • input any MBR/SSR/DCF coding corrections/updates so that the beneficiary's/recipient's record will be selected for a ticket during the next day's system's run (see DI 55002.045);

  • explain why the beneficiary's/recipient's record was not selected (see DI 55002.050); or

  • refer the issue to the Regional Center for Disability Programs when unable to determine why the record was not selected (see DI 55002.040).

b. TSC action

When the query shows that the beneficiary/recipient was not selected to receive a ticket, the TSC should refer the individual to the appropriate FO.

B. Procedure – actions to take when the query shows the ticket has not been mailed yet

When the query shows the beneficiary/recipient has been selected to get a ticket but that the ticket has not been mailed yet, advise the beneficiary/recipient of the approximate date the ticket will be mailed (see DI 55002.015B and DI 55002.015C). Also advise the beneficiary/recipient that they do not need a physical ticket before contacting and EN or State VR agency about services, or assigning the ticket (see DI 55002.010D).

If the beneficiary/recipient wants the ticket immediately, refer the individual to MAXIMUS. MAXIMUS' toll-free numbers are:

  • 1-866-968-7842 (1-866-YOUR TICKET); and

  • TTY/TDD 1-866-833-2967 (1-866-TDD 2WORK).

C. Procedure – actions to take when the query shows the ticket was mailed

Field components should take the following actions when the ticket query shows the ticket was mailed and the beneficiary/recipient alleges the non-receipt or loss of the ticket.

1. Step 1 – determine if address on SSA's system is correct

Get an MBR/SSR to determine if the beneficiary's/recipient's address on SSA's system is correct.

2. Step 2 – input any necessary address corrections

Input any necessary address corrections if the MBR/SSR does not reflect the beneficiary's/recipient's current mailing address.

3. Step 3 – refer the beneficiary/recipient to MAXIMUS

Inform the beneficiary/recipient that MAXIMUS handles the issuance of all duplicate ticket mailer packages and give them MAXIMUS' toll-free numbers.

NOTE: If an address correction was made, tell the beneficiary/recipient to wait for two workdays before they contact MAXIMUS. (This is how long it will take the updated address information to reach MAXIMUS' system.)

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DI 55002.030 - Handling Non-Receipt, Lost Ticket, and Ticket Non-Selection Questions - 07/15/2024
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