Use the appropriate notice form based on instructions in NL
00802.000 ff. or NL 00803.000 ff. to inform recipients who may be eligible under this provision. These forms are
also on the field office notice software (FONS). Tell recipients the basis for their
payment, that they must notify us if the expected time abroad changes, and to notify
us as soon as they reenter the country. If you send a notice to someone eligible under
this provision who is also eligible under section 1619(b) do not refer to payments.
Instead, refer to the fact that we will keep their case active.
The following is a sample of text that you may include in an award notice or a notice
to someone in posteligibility who may be eligible under this provision:
“Information About Your Payments
We usually cannot pay SSI to people who live outside the United States. However, we
can pay you SSI while you are a student abroad for up to one year if you are:
studying abroad in a program sponsored by an American school; and
in a course of study which is not available in the United States and which should
help you find work later; and
eligible for SSI payment in (Month/Year), the month before the first full month of
your study abroad.
Because of these special rules, you are eligible for these payments for the months
you told us you will be out of the country, (Month/Year through Month /Year, the months
and year(s) of the period covered). Contact us immediately if your plans change.
Information About Medicaid
For information about any change in your Medicaid eligibility caused by your living
abroad, your should get in touch with (name of Medicaid agency in State with Federal
Medicaid decisions.)
Things to Remember
Contact your local Social Security office when you return to the United States.”